Note Taking app designed to be minimalist to quickly take notes and save them in a local sqflite database.
With flutter installed and an android device connected, run flutter run
in the notetakr folder.
- Nandor Gallo
- Leonard Zbona
- Mohammad Mushfequr Rahman
- Daniel Bullock
- Multiple screens/navigation (App allows various screens, for example the drawer selections)
- Dialogs and pickers (Adding a new class for notes, adding assignments)
- Snackbars and notifications (Snackbars for adding class/assignment, notifications for due dates - Notifications.dart, LecturePage.dart)
- Local storage (Assignments and courses saved locally - models folder)
- Cloud storage (Daily polls stores votes in firebase - TodaysPolls.dart)
- Data tables and charts DataTables to display assignments and due date,chart to display the frequency of due dates. Assignment db must be populated inorder to display the charts. (AssignmentsChartsPage.dart)
- Maps (Campus Map screen - map.dart)
- Geolocation (Gets current lat/long using geolocator - map.dart)
- Geocoding (Gets current address from current lat/long - map.dart)
- i18n (App has french, russian, italian, and spanish versions from lang/*.json - app_localizations.dart)
- http request (Offered courses pulls from ontario tech available courses json)
- flutter speech to text (Transcribe Notes)
- flutter slidable (Slidable menu)
- pull to refresh (unique loading menus)
- flare splash screen (loading animation)
Why won't recording notes with a microphone work?
1. Make sure the app has permission for microphone 2. The flutter package does not work with android emulators so you may need to use a physical device to test the microphone. The gif above shows a test run on a one plus 5 device.
How do I edit/delete notes?
1. Slide the note to the left to reveal editing and deleting.