Da-Fi DAO is developing a widely interoperable data agnostic nueral network and arbitrage framework. Da-Fi DAO's Nueral Arbitrage Valve (NAV) will allow users to stream arbitrage opportunites as they occur much like tickers stream sports, news, & stock information. In order to "open the valve", a user must deposit DA-FI token to begin the stream
cp .env.sample .env
And then populate .env with your endpoints
$ yarn dev
To test the webapp with a local mainnet fork with some pre-filled tokens you can run:
The webapp will start in DEV mode and will be available at: http://localhost:3000
The local RPC client (ganache-cli) will be available at: http://localhost:8545
variables in the .env file. - SET
variables in the .env file with your alchemy key - Set
variable to TRUE on .env file. - Change Metamask to Localhost RPC endpoint :)
Install brownie >= 1.13.2
pip install "eth-brownie>=1.13.2"
Connect to your local mainnet-fork:
brownie console
$ yarn build
$ yarn start
Code style follows prettier conventions (yarn prettier
). Commit messages follow the Conventional Commits spec.