Dotfiles for various things that correspond with my dark Arch setup
My prefered AUR helper is YAY. I'll be using it to install everything (no matter if it is accesible form the official Arch repos)
I use I3 fork called i3-gaps-next.
yay -S i3-gaps-next-git
yay -S xkbset xorg-xinput libinput-gestures nitrogen redshift-gtk polkit-gnome xfce4-power-manager pcmanfm vscodium-bin udiskie
The bar I settled for is Polybar.
yay -S polybar
Rofi is hands down the best launcher (honourable mention to Albert , sadly not really functional under I3 but on gnome, it was my preffered launcher).
yay -S rofi
I Use fork of compton called compton-kawase-blur.
yay -S compton-tryone-git
Terminator is my go to terminal. It supports many features I use and supports transparency (plus is easily configurable using its GUI).
yay -S terminator
I use ZSH as my shell.
I use powerline-rs as my powerline implementation. I preffer it over oh-my-zsh for the speed and responsiveness.
yay -S powerline-rs
Modern ls command, requires awesome-terminal-fonts
yay -S lsd
Simple fetch program.
yay -S neofetch
TBH I stopped using conky after using I3 for a while. It simply became irrelevant. But since I switched to polybar with very gnome-like config, I might rewrite the config and start using it again. For now, use it only if you want somewhere to start.
Cursor: Bibata.
yay -S bibata-cursor-theme
GTK Theme: Flat Remix Blue Dark. I use this one because it is one of the best looking BLACK gtk themes. Shoutout to Macterial, which also works very well!
Wallpaper: My own that I made to match the terminal colorscheme and polybar accent colours.
Icons: McMojave Circle
yay -S mcmojave-circle-icon-theme-git