A simple nestjs + mongoose project to reproduce the issue with hook
it needs a mongodb instance running
- replace .env.example with .env and put your mongodb connection string
- run
npm install
- run
npm run start:dev
launch the creation of a "test" document:
curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/test
You will see the hook is called two times instead of one. And the second time, the instance is ont a document anymore, therefore this.model does not exist. To correct the issue, follow the instruction in the comment inside test/hook.ts file.
NestJS documentation advise to declare hooks inside MongooseModule.forFeatureAsync, like this:
imports: [
{ name: History.name, schema: HistorySchema },
name: Test.name,
useFactory: () => {
const schema = TestSchema;
schema.pre("save", preSaveHook);
return schema;
controllers: [TestController],
providers: [TestService]
With this way of adding hooks, neither exemple works. The hook will be called twice either we imported History or we used string