- 【🔨修复】 修复了启动游戏设置分辨率后无法保存的问题 #2229
- 【🔨修复】 修复了成就完成时间显示错误的问题 #2184
- 【🔨修复】 修复了养成计划背包无法刷新的问题 #2212
- 【🔨修复】 修复了紧凑网页窗口视频快进/快退快捷键无效的问题
- 【🔨修复】 修复了部分系统下选择文件窗口会引发崩溃的问题
- 【🔨修复】 修复了更新胡桃时选择下载源不生效的问题
- 【✨优化】 现在会在启动时检查代理和 Loopback 状态,并在无法正常联网时引导用户解除 Loopback 限制
- 【✨优化】 紧凑网页窗口现在会记忆上次关闭时的页面
Update Log
- [🔨Fix] Fixed an issue where the resolution settings could not be saved after launching the game #2229
- [🔨Fix] Fixed an issue where the achievement completion time was displayed incorrectly #2184
- [🔨Fix] Fixed an issue where the cultivation plan's backpack could not be refreshed #2212
- [🔨Fix] Fixed an issue where the shortcut keys for fast-forward/rewind in the compact web window were not working
- [🔨Fix] Fixed an issue where selecting a file window would cause a crash on some systems
- [🔨Fix] Fixed an issue where selecting a download source when updating Snap Hutao was not effective
- [✨Optimization] Now checks proxy and loopback status at startup and guides users to remove loopback restrictions if unable to connect to the internet
- [✨Optimization] The compact web window now remembers the page from the last close
完整更新日志/What's Changed
Full Changelog: 1.12.3...1.12.4
如果你安装过程中出现问题,请阅读我们的 FAQ 文档以获取解决方案
If you have any issue during the installation, please check our FAQ document for solutions