- 【🎉新增】 升级到 .NET 9
- 【🎉新增】 通知图标右键菜单新增启动紧凑网页窗口的命令
- 紧凑网页窗口为一个置于顶层、无交互时可呈现半透明的网页窗口
- 可在设置页面设置网页中视频播放/暂停的快捷键
- 使用紧凑网页窗口需以管理员身份启动
- 【🎉新增】 新增幻想真境剧诗页面 #1671
- 【🔨修复】 修复了使用 SophonChunk 模式切换游戏服务器时可能会崩溃的问题
- 【🔨修复】 修复了启动游戏注入选项部分特定情况下逻辑错误的问题
- 【🔨修复】 修复了启动游戏注入失败强制结束游戏后,注入选项部分开关不可交互的问题
- 【🔨修复】 修复了国际服无法通过网页缓存刷新抽卡记录的问题 #2141
- 【🔨修复】 修复了深境螺旋页面在非中文的情况下攻击波次详情可能无法完全展开的问题 #2152
- 【🔨修复】 修复了特殊情况下自动连点热键初始化失败导致崩溃的问题
- 【✨优化】 从实时便笺通知启动游戏时,会自动将 米游社 / HoYoLAB 用户切换至便笺对应的用户
Update Log
- [🎉New] Upgraded to .NET 9
- [🎉New] Added a command to the right-click menu of the notification icon to launch a compact web window
- The compact web window is a topmost window that can become semi-transparent when not interacted with
- You can set the shortcut key for playing/pausing videos in the web window on the settings page
- Using the compact web window requires running as an administrator
- [🎉New] Added a new page for Role Combat #1671
- [🔨Fix] Fixed a crash issue when switching game servers using the SophonChunk mode
- [🔨Fix] Fixed a logic error in some specific cases with the game launch injection option
- [🔨Fix] Fixed an issue where some switches in the injection options were not interactive after a forced game termination due to injection failure
- [🔨Fix] Fixed an issue where the international server could not refresh wish records via web cache #2141
- [🔨Fix] Fixed an issue where the attack wave details on the Spiral Abyss page might not fully expand in non-Chinese languages #2152
- [🔨Fix] Fixed a crash issue caused by the failure to initialize the auto-click hotkey in special cases
- [✨Optimization] When launching the game from the Real-time Notes notification, the MiYouShe/HoYoLAB user will automatically switch to the corresponding user
完整更新日志/What's Changed
Full Changelog: 1.11.9...1.12.0
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If you have any issue during the installation, please check our FAQ document for solutions