This software is copyright The University of Queensland. This software is distributed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2. See the COPYING file for detail.
These packages are required for both PostGIS and R spatial functionality.
An Enterprise Linux GIS repository to add to yum:
rpm -Uvh or sudo rpm -Uvh
then yum install in this order, using the appropriate architecture (with current version at time of writing): geos-devel // will install geos as a dependency proj-devel // will install proj as a dependency postgis gdal-devel
To test successful installation, on the commmand line you should get a response from: geos-config gdal-config proj R will be looking for them later.
The following commands are used on a Linux machine; we should also document the process for setting up the database on Windows for developers on that platform.
yum install postgresql.x86_64 yum install postgresql-server.x86_64 yum install postgresql-devel.x86_64 service postgresql initdb chkconfig --list (to see list of services) chkconfig postgresql on service postgresql start
Remember to sort out authentication: /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf
Run something like the following commands:
-- Create database with PL/pgSQL support
psql -U postgres -c "create user oztrack with password 'ozadmin';"
psql -U postgres -c "create database oztrack with owner oztrack;"
psql -U oztrack -d oztrack -c "create language plpgsql;"
-- Run the PostGIS initialisation scripts: need to run postgis.sql as postgres
-- because only superuser can create c functions; afterwards, we change owner
-- on the resulting tables/views and subsequently connect as normal user.
psql -U postgres -d oztrack -f /usr/share/pgsql/contrib/postgis.sql
psql -U postgres -d oztrack -f /usr/share/pgsql/contrib/spatial_ref_sys.sql
psql -U postgres -d oztrack -c "alter table geometry_columns owner to oztrack;"
psql -U postgres -d oztrack -c "alter table spatial_ref_sys owner to oztrack;"
psql -U postgres -d oztrack -c "alter view geography_columns owner to oztrack;"
-- Our own tables should be created on first run by Hibernate
You can just install R from the EPEL package repository on CentOS:
yum install R
There are further libraries used in this project that are installed by running install.packages in the R interpreter (run the "R" command from Linux console, as root with -E switch).
install.packages(c("Rserve"), dependencies=TRUE)
Note that the following command takes a while (eg over 10 minutes) because it downloads, compiles, tests, and installs a large number of dependencies.
install.packages(c("sp"), dependencies=TRUE)
install.packages(c("ade4"), dependencies=TRUE)
install.packages(c("adehabitatHR"), dependencies=TRUE)
install.packages(c("adehabitatMA"), dependencies=TRUE)
install.packages(c("maptools"), dependencies=TRUE)
install.packages(c("shapefiles"), dependencies=TRUE)
install.packages(c("rgdal"), dependencies=TRUE)
Note: it may be necessary to add a repos argument (eg repos="") when executing install.packages, but this caused an error when run on CentOS.
Note: you will need the 'gdal' Red Hat package installed in order to install the 'rgdal' R package (ie run yum install gdal).
To run Rserve daemon, execute the following from your Linux console:
R CMD Rserve
The resulting Rserve process will listen on port 6311.
The file contains some important values that need to be set for OzTrack to run correctly.
dataDir: If this isn't set, OzTrack will use the user.home environment variable (possibly of the server user environment) to store files. Ensure that such a directory is available and can be written to. dataSpaceURL: This is the URL that project collection records will be written to. A username and password must be provided in this file for the functionality to work.