See the UFOs for yourself here!: They have landed!
The purpose of the analysis was to have a simple webpage display information of various UFO sightings throughout many different places. These are filtered according to shape, date, duration, and even some more custom exerpeinces as seen in the comment section.
If anyone wanted to use the webpage it's very easy to use. Simple type into a criteria you want to filter by, it can be in any order, so let's use date just to start from top down. There are example text here to give an idea of what you might use but we will use 1/5/2010 just so we can see a more noticeable return. Now we can filter out a little farther down and just get princeton because that always seemed like a nice place nothing weird would ever happen there right? Apparently UFOs do though, so we type in princeton and careful of those capital letters. Now we can see all the data from princeton right in front of us with the addition of a little anecdote in the comments section.
The one glaring drawback that I worked to fix but couldn't was the filtering issue, funny enough it filters fine but has a hiccup. It does take the last inputted value as the filtering object. So if you were to start from top to bottom of date, city, state, country, shape and comment, it does work.
However if you were to enter a date, a town, and then the wrong state, it will then just grab that state and ignore the first two constraints.
Two other recommendations I have for this site would be embedded jpgs on the site of any photos taken by the witnesses of the UFO sightings I think that would be a good improvement to the site. It could help give the comments some more ground if the descriptions are poor. As well as maybe instead of the text paragraph, a video or maybe a video with text of some introduction to aliens and UFOs in general would be a great thing to do. It would give a more UFO investigative feel to the site instead of just a database.