AMDU is a tool I made to help easily unsubscribe from mods that is no longer needed. You simply give it the presets of mods you want to keep installed, and it will give you a list of subscribed mod you can remove. With a single click of the button you can also unsubscribe from all the selected mods.
It is a requirement that the steam client is running in the background as AMDU uses the steamworks SDK to fetch your subscribed mods and unsubscribe them for you.
AMDU is mainly tested on Windows and Linux, but built and in theory should also run on MacOS.
If arma is not installed on the machine with the subbed mods installed, the filesize of each mod will not be shown. As it polls those from the local installed mods through the steamworks SDK. I am not using the workshop file-sizes as they are very inaccurate.