Added support for string key and Array/List value to all user given segmentations.
Added "SetID(string newDeviceId)" function in "Countly.Instance.Device" for managing device id changes.
Added "Countly.Instance.UserProfile" with following calls and functionality
"Increment" for incrementing custom property value by 1
"IncrementBy" for incrementing custom property value by provided value.
"SaveMax" for saving maximal value between existing and provided.
"SaveMin" for saving minimal value between existing and provided.
"Multiply" for multiplying custom property value by provided value.
"Pull" for removing value from array.
"Push" for inserting value to array which can have duplicates.
"PushUnique" for inserting value to array of unique values.
"Save" for sending provided values to server.
"SetOnce" for setting value if it does not exist.
"SetProperties" for setting either custom user properties or predefined user properties.
"SetProperty" for setting a single user property. It can be either a custom one or one of the predefined ones.
Added the following calls in "Countly.Instance.Views":
"StartView" for starting a view.
"StartAutoStoppedView" for starting an auto-stopped view.
"StopViewWithName" for stopping a view by name.
"StopViewWithID" for stopping a view by ID.
"PauseViewWithID" for pausing a view by ID.
"ResumeViewWithID" for resuming a paused view by ID.
"StopAllViews" for stopping all views.
"SetGlobalViewSegmentation" for setting global view segmentation data.
"AddSegmentationToViewWithID" for adding segmentation data to a view by ID.
"AddSegmentationToViewWithName" for adding segmentation data to a view by name.
"UpdateGlobalViewSegmentation" for updating global view segmentation data.
Deprecated the following calls from "Countly.Instance.Views":
"RecordOpenViewAsync": Use "StartView" instead.
"RecordCloseViewAsync": Use "StopView" instead.
"ReportActionAsync": This will be removed in the future.
Deprecated "Countly.Instance.UserDetails" added "Countly.Instance.UserProfile" as replacement, mentioned above.
Fixed a bug that allowed to make it possible to close non-started views.
Fixed issues that allowed to record User Profiles without consent.
Fixed a bug that caused requests being stuck in the queue for WebGL build targets.
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