FEMA National Risk Index Dataset:
- provides county level statistics and scores on social vulnerability, hurricane records, hurricane exposure, and hurricane risk
- publically available at https://arcg.is/0KD9Tq
Nielsen Scanner Consumption Dataset:
- provides weekly product sales by county across all states
- not publically available
Census Bureau Dataset:
- provides county level demographical information
- publically available at https://data.world/bdill/county-level-population-by-race-ethnicity-2010-2019
Hurricane Marker CSV:
- provides the markers for past hurricane occurrences
- not publically available
- exploredata_FEMA: explore and preprocess the FEMA data
- exploredata_psid: explore and preprocess the psid data
- exploredata_Nielsen: explore and preprocess the Nielsen data
- exploredata_Census: explore and preprocess the Census data (demo info)
- explore_visualize_data.ipynb: Data Visualizations
- hurricane_marker: explore and preprocess the hurricane_marker.csv
- merge_plot:
- merge all the preprocessed data into one single data frames
- visualize the resulted data frame
- baseline:
- prepare the data for model training
- experiment with different baseline models
- perform county filtering and product grouping
- Model Evaluation:
- can be run with the sample data (df_tx_sample.pkl)
- parameter tuning with randomized search
- evaluating different models with different feature combinations