Tito is an excellent event ticketing platform and is available at http://ti.to
We need to perform analysis on this data so we wrote this simple script to import the data into our platform for modeling.
Navigate to your tickets home page, then
Select Attendees > Click export > Download as CSV
Run the following SQL to create the db table that will store the ticket information
CREATE TABLE tito_ticket (
ticket_created_date DATETIME,
ticket_last_updated_date DATETIME,
ticket VARCHAR(500),
ticket_full_name VARCHAR(255),
ticket_first_name VARCHAR(255),
ticket_last_name VARCHAR(255),
ticket_email VARCHAR(255),
ticket_company_name VARCHAR(255),
ticket_phone_number VARCHAR(255),
event VARCHAR(255),
void_status VARCHAR(255),
price VARCHAR(255),
discount_status VARCHAR(255),
ticket_reference VARCHAR(255),
unique_ticket_url VARCHAR(255),
unique_order_url VARCHAR(255),
order_reference VARCHAR(255),
order_name VARCHAR(255),
order_email VARCHAR(255),
order_company_name VARCHAR(255),
order_phone_number VARCHAR(255),
order_discount_code VARCHAR(255),
order_ip VARCHAR(255),
order_created_date DATETIME,
order_completed_date DATETIME,
event_id BIGINT,
PRIMARY KEY ( ticket_reference )
You need to set the following env variables to run this, the event_id is column we us to internally map it to one of our events. These variables should be setup inside the run.sh
export MYSQL_HOST=localhost
export MYSQL_USERNAME=root
export MYSQL_DB=
export MYSQL_PORT=
export EVENT_ID=1
export CSV_FILE="./tickets.csv"
Once the environment variables are setup you good to go and run the Importer by Running