This is a system for high ranking managers to take care of there stores and staff region-wide or nation-wide, read the full documentation of the project in word by downloading it from above.
- Languages: JavaScript,TypeScript,HTML,CSS.
- Libraries: Bootstrap, Mongoose.
- Frameworks: Angular 2.0, ExpressJs.
- Databases: MongoDB.
- Environments: Node.Js.
- NPMs: Mongoose, mongoose-unique-validator.
- Package Managers: Bower.
- Full CRUD capabilities with a restful api.
- Fully functional database with restrictions on unvalidated data.
- Asthectic GUI that can display large amounts of data.
- Google maps api with unique user interaction.
- Navigation menu that also lets managers access useful links.
- Project Overview.
- Understanding the technologies.
- Setting up the project.
- Architecture and Design.
- Home Page.
- Support Page.
- Store Page.
- Known Bugs and design flaws.
- Conclusion.
- Mongodb installed.
- Nodejs installed.
- Git or git bash to retrieve the project.
- Access to
- If you havn't already, go to the following links and download the appropriate installer for your system:
- Clone the repo from Git to you desired directory.
- Inside the command prompt, navigate to the folder where the clone was placed and enter npm start.
Home,Support,Employees pages: Typical controls for the browser you use when navigating a web page.
Stores page: The controls for my map are slightly different to interacting with regular Google Maps.