Merkle Tree for SnarkyJs (membership / non-membership merkle proof).
The library contains implementations of sparse merkle tree, merkle tree and compact merkle tree based on snarkyjs, which you can use in the browser or node.js, and provides a corresponding set of verifiable utility methods that can be run in circuits.
Notice: Versions starting from 0.6.0 (Structs are officially supported) have a breaking update to the api and are not compatible with previous versions
This article gives a brief introduction to SMT: Whats a sparse merkle tree
The library hasn't been audited. The API and the format of the proof may be changed in the future as snarkyjs is updated. Make sure you know what you are doing before using this library.
npm install snarky-smt
or with yarn:
yarn add snarky-smt
npm install snarkyjs
# yarn add snarkyjs
If you need to use LevelDB to store data, you will also need to install:
npm install level
# yarn add level
npm install rocksdb encoding-down levelup
npm install mongoose
You can update the data of Sparse Merkle Tree(SMT) outside the circuit, and then verify the membership proof or non-membership proof of the data in the circuit. At the same time, you can also verify the correctness of the state transformation of SMT in the circuit, which makes us not need to update the SMT in the circuit, but also ensure the legal modification of SMT data outside the circuit. We can verify the validity of data modification through zkApp.
import { MemoryStore, Store } from 'snarky-smt';
import { Field } from 'snarkyjs';
// memory data store for Field type data, you can use any CircuitValue from snarkyjs or a custom composite CircuitValue
let store: Store<Field> = new MemoryStore<Field>();
import { Field } from 'snarkyjs';
import { LevelStore, Store } from 'snarky-smt';
import { Level } from 'level';
// create a leveldb data store for Field type data, you can use any CircuitValue from snarkyjs or a custom composite CircuitValue
const levelDb = new Level<string, any>('./db');
let store: Store<Field> = new LevelStore<Field>(levelDb, Field, 'test');
import { RocksStore, Store } from 'snarky-smt';
import { Field } from 'snarkyjs';
import encode from 'encoding-down';
import rocksdb from 'rocksdb';
import levelup from 'levelup';
const encoded = encode(rocksdb('./rocksdb'));
const db = levelup(encoded);
let store: Store<Field> = new RocksStore<Field>(db, Field, 'test');
import mongoose from 'mongoose';
import { MongoStore, Store } from 'snarky-smt';
import { Field } from 'snarkyjs';
await mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/my_database');
let store: Store<Field> = new MongoStore(mongoose.connection, Field, 'test');
MerkleTree is a merkle tree of numerically indexed data that can customize the tree height, this merkel tree is equivalent to a data structure: Map<bigint, Struct>, Struct can be a CircuitValue type in snarkyjs, such as Field, PublicKey, or a custom composite Struct. Tree height <= 254, Numeric index <= (2^height-1).
MerkleTreeUtils: A collection of merkle tree utility methods that do not work in circuits.
ProvableMerkleTreeUtils: A collection of merkle tree utility methods that can be verified to work in circuits
An example of using MerkleTree in the mina smart contract, modified from the example in the snarkyjs official repo: merkle_zkapp.ts
class Account extends Struct({
address: PublicKey,
balance: UInt64,
nonce: UInt32,
}) {}
// Create a memory store
let store = new MemoryStore<Account>();
// initialize a new Merkle Tree with height 8
let tree = await, 8, Account);
let testValue = new Account({
address: PrivateKey.random().toPublicKey(),
balance: UInt64.fromNumber(100),
nonce: UInt32.fromNumber(0),
const root = await tree.update(0n, testValue);
// get value
const v = await tree.get(0n);
// support compact merkle proof
const cproof = await tree.proveCompact(0n);
// decompact NumIndexProof
const proof = MerkleTreeUtils.decompactMerkleProof(cproof);
// check membership outside the circuit
const ok = MerkleTreeUtils.checkMembership(proof, root, 0n, testValue, Account);
// check membership in the circuit
testValue.nonce = testValue.nonce.add(1);
// calculate new root in the circuit
const newRoot = ProvableMerkleTreeUtils.computeRoot(
Support DeepMerkleSubTree: DeepMerkleSubTree is a deep sparse merkle subtree for working on only a few leafs.(ProvableDeepMerkleSubTree is a deep subtree version that works in circuit). DeepMerkleSubTree Example
SparseMerkleTree is a merkle tree with a fixed height of 254, this merkel tree is equivalent to a data structure: Map<Struct,Struct>, Struct can be a CircuitValue type in snarkyjs, such as Field, PublicKey, or a custom composite Struct.
SMTUtils: A collection of sparse merkle tree utility methods that do not work in circuits.
ProvableSMTUtils: A collection of sparse merkle tree utility methods that can be verified to work in circuits
An example of using SparseMerkleTree in the mina smart contract, modified from the example in the snarkyjs official repo: smt_zkapp.ts
class Account extends Struct({
address: PublicKey,
balance: UInt64,
nonce: UInt32,
}) {}
// Create a memory store
let store = new MemoryStore<Account>();
// Or create a level db store:
// const levelDb = new Level<string, any>('./db');
// let store = new LevelStore<Account>(levelDb, Account, 'test');
let smt = await, Field, Account);
// Or import a tree by store
// smt = await SparseMerkleTree.importTree<Field, Account>(store);
let testKey = Field(1);
let testValue = new Account({
address: PrivateKey.random().toPublicKey(),
balance: UInt64.fromNumber(100),
nonce: UInt32.fromNumber(0),
let newValue = new Account({
address: PrivateKey.random().toPublicKey(),
balance: UInt64.fromNumber(50),
nonce: UInt32.fromNumber(1),
const root = await smt.update(testKey, testValue);
// Create a compacted merkle proof for a key against the current root.
const cproof = await smt.proveCompact(testKey);
// Verify the compacted Merkle proof outside the circuit.
const ok = SMTUtils.verifyCompactProof(
console.log('ok: ', ok);
// Create a merkle proof for a key against the current root.
const proof = await smt.prove(testKey);
// Check membership in the circuit, isOk should be true.
let isOk = ProvableSMTUtils.checkMembership(
// Check Non-membership in the circuit, isOk should be false.
isOk = ProvableSMTUtils.checkNonMembership(proof, root, testKey, Field);
// Calculate new root in the circuit
let newRoot = ProvableSMTUtils.computeRoot(
console.log('newRoot: ', newRoot.toString());
Support DeepSparseMerkleSubTree: DeepSparseMerkleSubTree is a deep sparse merkle subtree for working on only a few leafs.(ProvableDeepSparseMerkleSubTree is a deep subtree version that works in circuit). DeepSparseMerkleSubTree Example
CompactSparseMerkleTree is a merkle tree with a fixed height of 254, this merkel tree is equivalent to a data structure: Map<Struct,Struct>, Struct can be a CircuitValue type in snarkyjs, such as Field, PublicKey, or a custom composite Struct. Compared with SparseMerkleTree, its advantage is that it can save storage space, and the operation efficiency of the tree is relatively high, but it is currently impossible to calculate the new root after the state transformation in the circuit.
CSMTUtils: A collection of compact sparse merkle tree utility methods that do not work in circuits.
ProvableCSMTUtils: A collection of compact sparse merkle tree utility methods that can be verified to work in circuits
class Account extends Struct({
address: PublicKey,
balance: UInt64,
nonce: UInt32,
}) {}
// Create a memory store
let store = new MemoryStore<Account>();
// Or create a level db store:
// const levelDb = new Level<string, any>('./db');
// let store = new LevelStore<Account>(levelDb, Account, 'test');
let smt = new CompactSparseMerkleTree(store, Field, Account);
// Or import a tree by store
// smt = await CompactSparseMerkleTree.import(store);
let testKey = Field(1);
let testValue = new Account(
let newValue = new Account(
const root = await smt.update(testKey, testValue);
// Create a merkle proof for a key against the current root.
const proof = await smt.prove(testKey);
// Check membership in circuit, isOk should be true.
let isOk = ProvableCSMTUtils.checkMembership(
// Check Non-membership in circuit, isOk should be false.
isOk = ProvableCSMTUtils.checkNonMembership(proof, root, testKey, Field);
Support CompactDeepSparseMerkleSubTree: CompactDeepSparseMerkleSubTree is a deep sparse merkle subtree for working on only a few leafs. CompactDeepSparseMerkleSubTree Example