- Part 1: Write a HTML + CSS web page, you can recreate my example or you can make something else interesting if you want
- Part 2: Add Javascript to the webpage to make it more fun, js can be used to dynamically change CSS and HTML code. There is a quick and simple example: https://jialuogao.github.io/
Yuke add everyone to the repository webdevpractice on git Send me an slack/email if you want to add later or you did not come to meeting
Clone the remote branch onto your computer and start working
Create a branch on the repo and name it your name
Finish part1 and push to your branch as a commit
Finish part2 and push to your branch as a commit
Pull the newest dev and merge dev into your branch(just a good practice) solve the conflicts if there is any
Merge your branch to dev (don’t delete your branch this time)
Start a pull request to master (do not merge it)
Enjoy your day!