《 C 语言实例解析精粹(第2版)》 作者:曹衍龙、林瑞仲、徐慧
原书的代码运行在 DOS + Turbo C 的环境下。
现更新为 win10 + cygwin(gcc
) 或 WSL(gcc
) 环境下。
代码格式化使用 VS 自动格式化 + 手工微调。 对源代码的修改
- 讲道理
int main()
。参数懒得写了。 - 加上了部分题目说明
- 某些重复的代码提取成了函数
- 清屏以及按键退出默认关闭,取消宏定义的注释即可打开
Turbo C
217 综合CAD系统
MICROCAD is a tiny (12k) PC based graphical drawing package. It provides the basic ability to draw lines, rectangles, circles, arcs, and polygrams, and has the ability to incorporate previous drawings as single elements in a new drawing. It was originally created as a means of sharing schematic drawings among the Fidonet BBS community. ——Dave's Personal Page
218 功能强大的文本编辑器
TDE the Thomson-Davis Editor TDE is a simple, public domain, multi-file/multi-window binary and text file editor written for IBM PCs and close compatibles running DOS, Win32 (console) or Linux. ——TDE, the Thomson-Davis Editor ——Thomson-Davis Editor
219 图书管理系统 220 进销存管理系统