This project is inspired and based on the alexellis/raspberrypi-youtube-streaming code and docker image.
The app was tested against Raspberry Pi A and Raspberry Pi 2
Get Raspberry PI
Install Jessie image and configure it so that it can connect to the internet
Update firmware (rpi-update) and software (apt-get update && at-get upgrade)
Make sure camera module is enabled (raspi-config)
Get your stream secret key (STREAM_YOUTUBE_SECRET) from
Install docker
$ curl -sSL | sh $ sudo usermod pi -aG docker $ reboot
- Clone this repository
$ git clone
- Goto repo directory
$ cd raspberrypi-video-streamer
- Build docker image for the "camera" container
$ docker build -t streamer ./docker
- Initiate and run streamer container (replace xxxxxxx with your secret key)
$ docker run --detach --restart unless-stopped --privileged -e STREAM_YOUTUBE_SECRET="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" -e STREAM_BITRATE=500000 -e STREAM_FPS=30 -e STREAM_WIDTH=800 -e STREAM_HEIGHT=600 --name camera streamer
Note: stream container will restart automatically on reboot or failure unless you stop it with the "docker stop" command.
Go to and chech if your stream is live
Stop the streamer container (may take a while)
$ docker stop camera
- Start the stopped streamer container
$ docker start camera
- Attach to container console
$ docker attach camera
- Kill stream process and remove container
$ docker rm -f camera
- Show container logs
$ docker logs camera
- (optional) Install python PIP
$sudo apt-get install python3-pip
- (optional) Install docker-compose
$ sudo pip3 install docker-compose