This Repository is a boilerplate to build a RESTful API with Express.js and Prisma using TypeScript and yarn for package management
- To install package
- To start development
yarn dev
- To start production
yarn build
yarn start
- To work with prisma
npx prisma generate
npx prisma migrate dev
βββ πprisma/
β βββ schema.prisma
βββ πsrc/
β βββ πcontroller/
β β βββ user.controller.ts
β βββ πlib/
β β βββ prisma.ts
β βββ πmiddleware/
β β βββ auth.ts
β βββ πroutes/
β β βββ index.ts
β β βββ user.route.ts
β βββ πtypes/
β β βββ πexpress/
β β β βββ index.ts
β β βββ index.ts
β βββ server.ts
βββ .env.example
βββ package.json
βββ yarn.lock
βββ tsconfig.json