Modules can configure multiple hosts at once (I.e for wireguard/kubernetes installation)
Secrets can be securely stored in Git (No one except target hosts can decrypt them), automatically regenerated, reencrypted, etc.
Automatic rollback on deployment failure, which will work, as long as system is passing initrd stage (So still be carefull with root filesystem mount)
description = "My cluster configuration";
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs";
fleet = {
url = "github:CertainLach/fleet";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
flake-parts.url = "github:hercules-ci/flake-parts";
lanzaboote = {
url = "github:nix-community/lanzaboote/v0.3.0";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
outputs = inputs:
inputs.flake-parts.lib.mkFlake {inherit inputs;} {
imports = [inputs.fleet.flakeModules.default];
perSystem = {
}: {
formatter = pkgs.alejandra;
devShells.default =
pkgs.mkShell {packages = [inputs'.fleet.packages.fleet];};
# Single flake may contain multiple fleet configurations, default one is called... `default`
fleetConfigurations.default = {
# nixos option section of fleet config declares module, which is used for all configured nixos hosts.
nixos = {
imports = [inputs.lanzaboote.nixosModules.lanzaboote];
# Make `nix shell nixpkgs#thing` use the same nixpkgs, as used to build the system.
nix.registry.nixpkgs = {
from = {
id = "nixpkgs";
type = "indirect";
flake = inputs.nixpkgs;
exact = false;
# Those modules are used to configure all the machines in cluster at the same time, good example of global modules
# Is I.e wiring up the mesh VPN, or deploying kubernetes, or other things.
# Modules use the same semantics as standard nixos module system, they are just configuring all the hosts at once.
imports = [
# Multi-instancible modules example
(import ./kubernetes {hosts = ["a" "b"];})
(import ./kubernetes {hosts = ["c" "d"];})
# Hosts attribute (may also be defined/extended using modules attribute) configures hosts...
hosts.controlplane-1 = {
# Every host has some system, for which the system configuration needs to be built
system = "x86_64-linux";
nixos = {
# And nixos modules
imports = [
# Configuration may also be specified inline, as in any nixos config.
services.ray = {
gpus = 4;
cpus = 128;
This section should into some kind of fleet documentation… But as there is none, it is just left here as-is.
{config, ...}: {
secrets = let ownership = { owner = "gitlab"; group = "gitlab"; }; in {
gitlab-initial-root = {
generator = {mkPassword}: mkPassword {};
} // ownership;
gitlab-secret = {
generator = {mkPassword}: mkPassword {};
} // ownership;
gitlab-otp = {
generator = {mkPassword}: mkPassword {};
} // ownership;
gitlab-db = {
generator = {mkPassword}: mkPassword {};
} // ownership;
gitlab-jws = {
generator = {mkRsa}: mkRsa {};
} // ownership;
services.gitlab = let secrets = config.secrets; in {
enable = true;
initialRootPasswordFile = secrets.gitlab-initial-root.secretPath;
secrets = {
secretFile = secrets.gitlab-secret.secretPath;
otpFile = secrets.gitlab-otp.secretPath;
dbFile = secrets.gitlab-db.secretPath;
jwsFile = secrets.gitlab-jws.secretPath;
In my homelab and clusters, I almost always have some sort of HSM, and to issue new kubernetes certs I directly connect to it. This setup should probably split into multiple steps, where I allow target machine to generate CSR, then copy it to the HSM machine, and then sign it there… But this is just the plan. I want to build ansible-like script execution in fleet for this kind of tasks.
{...}: {
# First I define required secret generators:
nixpkgs.overlays = [
(final: prev: let
lib = final.lib;
in {
readKubernetesCa = {impureOn}:
final.mkImpureSecretGenerator ''
cd ~/ca
expires_at=$(openssl x509 -in $cert -noout -enddate | cut -d= -f2 | xargs -I{} date -u -d {} +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%NZ")
echo -n $expires_at > $out/expires_at
cat $cert > $out/public
mkKubernetesCert = {
sans ? [],
final.mkImpureSecretGenerator ''
cd ~/ca
params=$(sudo mktemp)
csr=$(sudo mktemp)
cert=$(sudo mktemp)
sudo openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp384r1 -out $params
sudo openssl req -new -key $params \
-subj "${lib.strings.concatStringsSep "" (lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList (k: v: "/${k}=${v}") subj)}" \
${lib.optionalString (sans != []) "-addext \"subjectAltName = ${lib.strings.concatStringsSep "," sans}\""} \
-out $csr
sudo hsms x509 -req -days 365 -in $csr -CA kubernetes-intermediateCA.crt -CAkey "pkcs11:object=[CENSORED] Kubernetes Intermediate CA;type=private" -CAcreateserial -copy_extensions copy -out $cert
expires_at=$(sudo openssl x509 -in $cert -noout -enddate | cut -d= -f2 | xargs -I{} date -u -d {} +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%NZ")
echo -n $expires_at > $out/expires_at
sudo cat $params | encrypt > $out/secret
sudo cat $cert > $out/public
# Those secret generators are impure, thus they are run in system environment.
# Probably there needs to be a dedicated user for that kind of tasks, but this is my current setup, don't judge.
# I write a couple of scripts for executing openssl with HSM.
environment.systemPackages = [
(pkgs.writeShellApplication {
name = "hsms";
text = ''
set -eu
export OPENSSL_CONF=${openssl-conf}
# Yay, using secrets to generate secrets!
HSM_PIN=$(cat ${config.secrets.hsm-pin.secretPath})
exec ${pkgs.openssl}/bin/openssl "$@" -keyform=engine -CAkeyform=engine -engine=pkcs11 -passin=pass:"$HSM_PIN"
(pkgs.writeShellApplication {
name = "hsmt";
text = ''
set -eu
HSM_PIN=$(cat ${config.secrets.hsm-pin.secretPath})
exec ${pkgs.opensc}/bin/pkcs11-tool -l --pin="$HSM_PIN" "$@"
# And finally, I have secrets, which are shared between machines.
# Note that this example is somewhat wrong, as this goes not into the machine configuration, but to fleet configuration.
sharedSecrets = {
"ca.pem" = {
# This is just the public key, no need to regenerate it to change owner list
regenerateOnOwnerAdded = false;
# For secret regeneration/reencryption, we need to specify which machines SHOULD have it.
expectedOwners = ["controlplane-1" "controlplane-2" "worker-1" "worker-2"];
generator = {readKubernetesCa}:
readKubernetesCa {
impureOn = "[CENSORED]";
"kube-admin.pem" = {
regenerateOnOwnerAdded = false;
expectedOwners = ["cluster-admin"];
generator = {mkKubernetesCert}:
mkKubernetesCert {
subj = {
CN = "admin";
O = "system:masters";
impureOn = "[CENSORED]";
"kube-apiserver.pem" = {
# This secret depends on machine SANS, so if owner list has been changed, then we need to regenerate it.
# However, SANS dependency is in fact handled by secret seed, and secret is regenerated if the seed is changed...
# In this case regeneration is added as a half-assed security measure, as if apiserver is removed, we don't
# want for it to be able to pretend like it is a valid server.
# However, certificate revokation is complicated in my setup, and I can't show it here.
regenerateOnOwnerAdded = true;
expectedOwners = ["controlplane-1" "controlplane-2"];
generator = {mkKubernetesCert}:
mkKubernetesCert {
inherit sans;
subj.CN = "kubernetes";
impureOn = "[CENSORED]";