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ZZ Feature Release Plan 2021 09 30
Zhaobo edited this page Oct 5, 2022
1 revision
- Team: Yaohui(owner), David
- Goal: Tailor Kubernetes' scheduler for AI workloads, considering the cluster-wise GPU status and historical execution results
- Determine gpu counts, type, location(nodes), etc., for each given job
- Resource allocation, reclaim, dynamic scaling (for already running job, not initialization, to-do in current elastic training framework)
- Multi-objective: maximize utilization, minimize fragmentation, mitigate workload interference to cover various allocation scenarios (multiple gpu, single gpu, fraction gpu, gpu+cpu)
- Refer to historical execution records, using ML to find the better solutions
- Over-allocate/recycle/preempt/re-balance, hard/soft limit
- Define metrics to evaluate scheduling results
- Interference analysis on sharing GPU (6 workloads, 3 type of GPUs, titanX, k80, RTX2080)
- Complete interference analysis report, maybe packing suggestions (GPU util no more than 70%), and interference metrics (throughput)
- Get familiar with scheduling framework, e.g. Yoda scheduler, Kubernetes scheduling SIG
- Modify score plugin with static metrics
- Integrate co-scheduling plugin in the default scheduler and deploy to cluster env
- Integrate co-scheduling plugin to default scheduler and update elastic framework's scheduler and pod template to enable co-scheduling
- Integrate customized score plugin, consider GPU type and Affinity in the score function
- Investigation & Design (100%)--> Development & Test (50%)
- Do we extend Kubernetes scheduler? or just modify pod yaml (be simple) A: two layers of scheduling, top: allocator, bottom: kubernetes default scheduler. Work on the bottom mainly.
- Job Migration (3rd release)
- GPU resolution (1)
- Notes: scheduling policy conflicts (e.g. spread v.s. minimize resource fragmentation)
Team: Zhaobo(owner), Ziyu
- Collect workload resource utilization data, reflect resource availability of the cluster, for scheduler to make decisions based on availability
- Collect workload behavior data, infer workload type, completion time, for scheduler to make decision based similarity, feedback (previous execution efficiency)
- report GPUs attributes and utilization on each node
- monitor DLT jobs behavior, report resource utilization and workload characteristics on each job, store job execution data (start, complete time, no of GPUs used, etc.)
- provide dry-run function to elastic horovod jobs and store structured execution results with various configurations
- Explore metrics collection library (cadvisor, nvml, metrics-server, nvprof, dcgm)
- Identify metrics that represent workload characteristics (cpu/gpu/memory/memcpy util, disk io, network bandwidth) (cuda API call distribution, input data location/size, model type, weight size)
- Associate GPU process ID to k8s pod name, and annotate pod with "patch_namespaced_pod"
- Patched GPU mem_used to pod, remove annotation after job (GPU processes) is done
- Dry-run (trial job) CRD and controller design
- Aggregate pod level metrics to owner job, add DLT job annotation tagging (multiple components), results storing (Prometheus)
- Complete the profiling trial job controller implementation
- Characterize jobs (infer job type, complete time, current iteration, execution stage, performance bottleneck, co-location, interference impact)
- Investigation & Design (100%)--> Development & Test (50%)
- dry-run control before scheduling, how much extra time is allowed? (offline, collect training data, or customer choice, optional function, switch on/off)
- the k8s resource used to run DLT, pod, job, or CRD? Q: CRD, modified Job
- do we assume the logs of training jobs are accessible? current step and epoch, current accuracy/loss, Q: Yes
Team: Hao(owner)
Goal: Limit memory and threads(computing resources) for container process using CUDA API intercept and MPS two solutions, stretchy goal: a complete Kubernetes device plugin that supports GPU sharing
- CUDA API wrapper to intercept memory allocation/de-allocation and kernel launch functions
- Utilization monitoring, grant/reject resource requests from processes
- Compute resources isolation for AI inference workloads, fair share
- MPS solution: configure limits, investigate and mitigate interference
- Explore Gaia and KubeShare two GPU sharing implementation methods and principles
- Complete smoke test of using LD_PRELOAD, solve segmentation fault caused by symbol missing.
- Demo cuda api intercept with preloaded .so library in docker container, .so library is mounted from host to container.
- Design the components and data flow for K8s GPU plugin to support GPU virtualization. including intercept library, vGPU registration server,
- Implement TCP based registration server to support information sharing between host and its containers (local communication).
- Explore how CUDA driver API is used among different ML frameworks
- Complete the intercept lib function, to constraint container's GPU mem and compute resource usage in a couple of typical scenarios
- Test the accuracy and stability of the intercept lib. e.g., if the container's GPU utilization is indeed within the requested range (50%)
- Complete the entire GPU plugin to support fractional GPU request
- nVidia kernel space reverse engineering
- Investigation & Design (70%)--> Development & Test (20%)
- LD_PRELOAD limitation
- pytorch and tensorflow(not clear use of cuda runtime lib) cuda call differences
- if we need to wrap all APIs
- What's ML framework's response when system/cude reject memory allocation (reach limits), whether training job can keep running with limited memory?