A detailed mathematical model of a voltage-clamp experiment with imperfect patch-clamp amplifier compensations
The latest version of this repository includes supercharging compensation, following the equations in Chapter 6 of Chon Lok Lei's thesis.
This repo contains all data and code for reproducing the results in the paper "Accounting for variability in ion current recordings using a mathematical model of artefacts in voltage-clamp experiments" by Chon Lok Lei, Michael Clerx, Dominic Whittaker, David Gavaghan, Teun de Boer, and Gary Mirams. doi:10.1098/rsta.2019.0348. A permanently archived version (without supercharging) for reproducing the results in the paper is available as a tagged release or on Zenodo at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3754184.
To run the code to generate the data and figures shown in the paper, please follow these steps first:
- Clone hERGRapidCharacterisation to the relative path
. - To setup, either run (for Linux/macOS users)
$ bash setup.sh
or install PINTS and Myokit manually with Python 3.5+.
- model-cell-experiments: Application of the voltage-clamp experiment model to electrical model cell experiments.
- contains results and code to reproduce Figures 4, 5; Table 2; Figures S4, S5; Tables S1, S2.
herg-syn-study: Synthetic studies with the voltage-clamp experiment model.
- contains results and code to reproduce Figure S6.
herg-real-data: Application of the voltage-clamp experiment model to data in hERGRapidCharacterisation.
- Contains results and code to reproduce Hypothesis 2: Figures 7, 8; Figures S7, S8, S9; Tables S3, S4.
- Also contains results and code that are mentioned but not shown in the paper: full voltage-clamp experiment model fitting to hERG data; independent kinetics with independent artefacts 'Hypothesis 3'.
lib: Contains all modules/utility functions.
mmt-model-files: Myokit model files, contains IKr model and voltage clamp experiment model etc.
protocol-time-series: Contains protocols as time series, stored as
files, with time points (ins
) and voltage (inmV
) -
: symbolic links to hERGRapidCharacterisation -
cellml: CellML version of the models in mmt-model-files.
If you publish any work based on the contents of this repository please cite (CITATION file):
Lei, C.L., Clerx, M., Whittaker, D.G., Gavaghan D.J., de Boer, T.P. and Mirams, G.R. (2020). Accounting for variability in ion current recordings using a mathematical model of artefacts in voltage-clamp experiments. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 378: 20190348.