Angular2 web app for creating concept maps.
You can use this app from Github pages branch of this repository.
This project was generated with angular-cli, so you may run, built and test this project with angular-cli.
Within the application, you can double click on blank areas to create a concept, that you can click to select or double click to edit.
While there is only one concept selected, a link handle will appear which can be dragged onto other concepts to create a proposition.
You can also click to select or double click to edit propositions.
A few keyboard shotcuts are provided such as,
- ctrl+A to select all.
- Delete to delete all selected concepts and propositions.
- ctrl+S to download current concept map.
- ctrl+O to open a concept map save file.
These operations are also avaliable from the menu provided.
In addition, you can keep ctrl key pressed and drag blank areas to move all concepts.