- Feature:add new op masked_col2im_forward #649
- Feature:add new op tin_shift forward and backward #666
- Feature: fix yolo_box doc #696
- Feature: box_iou_rotated support nan and inf. #701
- Feature: replace math.h by cmath #717
- Feature:add new op masked_im2col_forward #659
- Feature:add file name format check #726
- Feature:prior_box support nan/inf. #730
- Feature: Add border_align op #677
- Feature: Add concurrent build jobs #732
- Feature: update FAQ in user guide #740
- Feature:voxelization support nan/inf. #738
- Feature:bbox_overlaps support nan/inf test #739
- Feature: nms_rotated boxes support naninf #742
- Feature: rois and offset support nan inf #746
- Feature:voxelization support voxels largetensor. #751
- Feature: recorrect tin_shift api guide #754
- Feature:bbox_overlaps opt #735
- Feature: Add bang memcheck #757
- Feature:Correct the scale limitation #759
- Feature: add fool-check for tensor size #758
- Feature:generate_proposals_v2 support nan/inf cases. #766
- Feature:Modify scale limit from 0.5G num to 2G num #774
- Feature: Redefine sizeof in mlu file #789
- Feature: Update toolkit to 3.6.1. #797
- Feature: update binary ops to v1.20.0 #808
Bug Fixes
- Fix: correct release docs for v0.7.0 #691
- Fix: Delete masked_col2im_forward docs information #695
- Fix: update clang version for coverage test. #692
- Fix: Fix binary ops memory leak. #697
- Fix: fix mutual_information doc #700
- Fix: fix focal_loss_sigmoid_backward gamma range precheck #705
- Fix: change param name gard_feats to grad_feats #702
- Fix: add ms_deform_attn_forward/backward into the real d… #704
- Fix: support grad_voxel_feats zero element & fix constra… #714
- Fix: change dynamic_point_to_voxel_backward mlu file‘s name #716
- Fix: Fix binary ops memory leak. #721
- Fix: fix memory leak #724
- Fix: fix add_n in uesr_guide #736
- Fix: fix api gtest #737
- Fix: update ci code format check. #744
- Fix: fix check_log_error space error. #752
- Fix: fix focal_loss log #753
- Fix:voxelization zero tensor bug fix. #755
- Fix:ms_deform_attn_backward memcheck warning fix. #761
- Fix: fix device memory leak of box_iou_rotated. #760
- Fix:fix mmcheck warning for nms_rotated #762
- Fix: fix focal_loss nan,inf bug #728
- Fix: fix interface-note #767
- Fix:fix missing return value of interface #772
- Fix:Repair interface description error. #773
- Fix: fix roipointpool3d interface description error. #775
- Fix: delete unused api return message on indice_convolution_backward_data api #777
- Fix: fix roipoint_pool3d device memcheck buffer overflow. #776
- Fix:Repair the problem of gdram memory reading and writing coverage. #778
- Fix: fix focalLossSigmoidBackward buffer overflow #780
- Fix: fix border_align_backward bug, sup nan/inf #765
- Fix: fix memory leak of dynamic_point_to_voxel_backward #782
- Fix: fix return-status in kernel-func #784
- Fix: fix border_align #779
- Fix:Fix generate_proposals_v2 buffer overflow. #786
- Fix:Fix 500 series platform max_num_priors exceed the limit problem. #785
- Fix: support half datatype nan/inf. #787
- Fix: add large tensor num check for bbox_overlaps. #790
- TEST: add mutual_information_backward api test #675
- TEST:add diff_iou_rotated_sort_vertices_forward api test #710
- TEST: add focal_loss_sigmoid api test #709
- TEST: add dynamic_point_to_voxel_forward api test #711
- TEST: add mutual_information_backward api test #718
- TEST: add mutual_information_forward api test #712
- TEST: add tin_shift api test #756
- TEST: fix error in diff_iou_rotated_sort_vertices_forward #770
- TEST: fix error in indice_conv_backard_filter and indice_conv_forward #771
- TEST: add masked_col2im_forward/masked_im2col_forward api test #781
@wangrt1 @pingjiang123 @GuangpingYuan @defei-coder @duzekunKTH @Unireverse @PetrelYy @DanieeelLiu @mahxn0 @Wickyzheng @baicaixmj @Devin-D-U @xwulin @stulai @zhoujiangmin
Full Changelog: v0.7.1...v0.8.0