This simple utility was built to be used with skim (or fzf). With the following Zsh function, it works as a fuzzy cd.
# cf - fuzzy cd
function cf() {
local bin=`which exa`
if ! [ -x $bin ]; then bin = ls; fi
if [ "$1" != "" ]; then cd $1; fi
local dir=`walker | rg -v "/\.|\.dSYM|\.xcodeproj|build|bin|ctc|^$" | sk`
if [ "$dir" != "" ]; then cd $dir; fi
# ls after cd, but only if there are less then 50 items in the directory
if (( `ls | wc -l` < 50 )); then $bin --group-directories-first -x; fi
Using this utility is much faster for this than using find -type d
. Directories are walked in parallel, and it works fast enough to be usable from my home directory.
Dependencies for the above zsh function:
Build from source with cargo build --release
Copy binary into a location in your path.