Curated Resources for Customisation and Productivity
Zsh 🍺
- Oh My Zsh
- newline after prompt
- completion of filenames, command flags, history, git/kill commands
- zsh-autosuggestions (Fish style)
- zsh-syntax-highlighting (Fish style)
Fish 🍺
- MacOS Terminal
- iTerm2
- Hyper
- Upterm
- Terminator
- Gnome Terminal
- cmder ⊞
- Base16
- Gotham
- iTerm Colors collection
- Inconsolata (Tmux & Powerline mod version)
- Adobe Source Code Pro
- MouseTerm plus mouse support for Tmux in OSX Terminal
Window management
- Spectacle
- BetterSnapTool alternatives
- Tiling Window Managers: Xmonad, i3
- Git 🍺
- Pretty git log
- simple git status:
git config --global sb 'status -sb'
- git command aliases
- Ranger 🍺
- aliases in
- generate ssh keys
- Unlock a broken pipe connection:
- aliases in
Python REPL
- htop 🍺
- w3m 🍺
cd -
/git checkout -
- stream into file with
to expand last commandMeta-.
to insert last parametertail -f
/ less +F- bash script "strict mode"
- Xargs 🍺/
- GNU Parallel 🍺
🍺 Available through Homebrew
Available on Mac OSX only
⊞ Available on Windows only