Feel free to refer to the JsFiddle Documentation
Clone or download to
Add your configuration to
and set it to the model
:: database.php ::
var $jsfiddle = array(
'datasource' => 'Jsfiddle.Jsfiddle'
:: my_model.php ::
var $useDbConfig = 'Jsfiddle';
Use find('all', $params)
for all read commands.
Pass the fields
param as a string only, do not pass an array of fields.
Field: fiddles
- user: required
- callback: function name for the Xdomain (default: None). if no callback provided standard JSON will be returned
- start: offset element (default: 0)
- limit: number of elements to return (default: 10)
- sort: sorting type - date, alphabetical or framework (default: ‘date’)
- order: desc or asc (default: ‘asc’)
- framework: filter framework (default: None)
$data = $this->Model->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array(
'user' => 'proloser'
'fields' => 'fiddles',
Field: user
Conditions: none
$data = $this->Model->find('all', array(
'fields' => 'user',
Bold items are required
Create Fiddle http://doc.jsfiddle.net/api/post.html
- framework => the desired framework name. Which framework should be loaded with the fiddle (vanilla for plain JavaScript)
- version => substring of the framework version - the last passing will be used. If 1.3 will be given, jsFiddle will use the latest search result. it will favorize 1.3.2 over 1.3.1 and 1.3
- dependencies => comma separated list of dependency substrings. It would mark any dependency containing the substring.
- html, js, css => code for specific panels
- resources => a comma separated list of external resources
- title => title of the fiddle
- description => description of the fiddle
- normalize_css => yes or no - should normalize.css be loaded before any CSS declarations?
- dtd => substring of the chosen DTD (i.e. "html 4")