You may work in groups with up to 3 students. When submitting solutions in Gradescope select a page for each problem and the students in your group.
def Goo(n):
if n <= 1:
return 1
x = Goo(n-2)
sum = x + x
return sum
- Write a recurrence for the running time T(n) of Goo(n).
- Solve the recurrence for the asymptotic running time. Assume that addition can be done in constant time. Use theta notation.
Foo(n) {
total = 0
if n = 1 return 2
else {
total = Foo(n/4) + Foo(n/4)
for i = 1 to n do
for j = 1 to n do
total = total + i*j
return total
- Write a recurrence for the running time T(n) of Foo(n).
- Solve the recurrence for the asymptotic running time. Assume that addition can be done in constant time. Use theta notation.
CRUEL(A[1 .. n]):
if n > 1
Cruel(A[1, .., n/2])
Cruel(A[n/2 + 1, .., n])
Unusual(A[1, .. ,n])
UNUSUAL(A[1 .. n]):
if n = 2 //the only comparison!
if A[1] > A[2]
swap a[1] with A[2]
for i from 1 to n/4 //swap 2nd and 3rd quarters
swap A[i + n/4] with A[i + n/2]
Unusual(A[1, .. ,n/2]) //recurse on left half
Unusual(A[n/2 + 1, .. ,n]) //recurse on right half
Unusual(A[n/4 + 1, .. ,3n/4]) //recurse on middle half
- Give a recurrence for the running time T(n) of the UNUSUAL function.
- Solve the recurrence in part a) to find the running time of UNUSUAL use Theta notation.
EXTRA Credit. Give a recurrence for CRUEL and solve it.