- Status: Complete
- Type: Generic
- Work Package: WP3
- Research Coordinators: (various)
- Coordinators for CLARIAH: Maarten van Gompel
- Participating Institutes: (various)
- End-users: Corpus builders and their users
- Developers: Maarten van Gompel, Ko van der Sloot
- Interest Groups: Annotation, Text
- Task IDs: T108 (FoLiA)
This use case groups several projects that aimed to deliver a corpus with various kinds of linguistic enrichment, either achieved automatically by NLP or manually.
This use case is an abstraction over several research projects that all needed a way to encode their corpora:
- SoNaR500 - A 500 million word reference corpus for contemporary written Dutch, which is delivered in FoLiA format. Other corpora in which FoLiA is used
- VU-DNC - a 2 million word diachronic corpus for Dutch offering both sentiment annotations and a gold standard for OCR post-correction.
- DutchSemCor - A lexical semantic sense annotated corpus (superset of SoNaR500)
- Basilex - A corpus consisting of Dutch texts young children would typically be exposed to; VU-DNC, a 2 million word diachronic corpus for Dutch offering both sentiment annotations and a gold standard for OCR post-correction.
- Basiscript - A corpus of contemporary Dutch texts written by primary school children
- Nederlab - Established a search environment for a large number of dutch text collections, including historical ones. The project however does not dissemminate the corpus that it compiled due to licensing restrictions.
- Political Mashup - Parliamentary corpus
These projects needed to encode texts one or more types of linguistic annotation. Between all these projects there was quite a diversity in linguistic annotation types that had to be encoded, such as for example Part-of-Speech tags, lemmas, named entities, dependency relations, semantic roles. To prevent having to encode each using an ad-hoc scheme, a more general solution was proposed and adopted by these projects.
In addition to encoding linguistic annotation, it was also important for some projects to have a format that can also encode document structure (paragraphs, sentences, lists, etc) and even text markup.
- A clear data format specification for linguistic annotation. FoLiA was adopted as a solution by these projects. (Note that Political Mashup is a notable exception as they technically did not adopt FoliA but merely embedded parts of it in their own format). FoLiA provides an integrated XML-based solution. It has its own document-based generic paradigm and strictly defines various linguistic and structural annotation types, but leaves definitions of actual linguistic (or other) vocabulary up to the user. FoLiA is indended as both a corpus storage format and language-resource interchange format between tools and services. It shares certain similarities with initiatives such as TEI, TCF, TiGeR XML, NAF, and various others.
- Formal schemas (RelaxNG)
- Independent vocabularies offered through FoLiA Set Definitions (nowadays SKOS-based).
- Validation tools
- Programming libraries to work with the format
- NLP tools that can handle the format
- Tools for visualisation
- FoLiA - Format for Linguistic Annotation; data format
- foliapy - Python library for working with FoLiA (previously part of pynlpl)
- libfolia - C++ library for working with FoLiA
- foliatools - Command-line tools for working with FoLiA (contains validators and converters etc)
- foliautils - Another set of command-line tools for working with FoLiA (contains validators and converters etc)
- Ucto - Ucto is a tokeniser with built-in FoliA support that has been used in several of these projects.
- Frog - Frog is an NLP-tool for Dutch that has built-in FoLiA support and was used in several of these projects and has probably been a factor in their choice for FoLiA.
Related use cases that use FoLiA:
- Negation Annotation in Dutch dialogue (WP3, FLAT/FoLiA)
- Retrodigitization of Text-critical Editions (WP3, FoLiA/FLAT/LaMachine)
- Annotation of spelling correction for CLIN28 Shared Task (WP3, FLAT/FoLiA)
- Syntactic Movement Annotation (WP3, FoLiA/FLAT)
- M. van Gompel (2018) - FoLiA: Format for Linguistic Annotation - Documentation and Reference Guide
- M. van Gompel , M. Reynaert (2013) — FoLiA: A practical xml format for linguistic annotation - a descriptive and comparative study — In: Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands Journal. vol. 3 .
- M. van Gompel , K. van der Sloot , M. Reynaert , A. Bosch (2017) — FoLiA in practice: The infrastructure of a linguistic annotation format — In: CLARIN in the low countries. Ubiquity Press.
- M. Reynaert , I. Schuurman , V. Hoste , N. Oostdijk , M. Gompel (2012) — Beyond sonar: Towards the facilitation of large corpus building efforts — In: Proceedings of the eighth international conference on language resources and evaluation (lrec). vol. 8 .
- N. Oostdijk, M. Reynaert, V. Hoste, I. Schuurman (2013) - The construction of a 500-million-word reference corpus of contemporary written Dutch. In: Essential Speech and Language Technology for Dutch: Results by the STEVIN Programme. Chapter 13.
- A. Tellings, M. Hulsbosch, A. Vermeer, A. Van den Bosch (2014). BasiLex: An 11.5 million words corpus of Dutch texts written for children. Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands. 4. 191-208.
- A. Tellings, N. Oostdijk, I. Monster, F. Grootjen, A. van den Bosch - Basiscript: A corpus of contemporary Dutch texts written by primary school children. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics Vol. 23:4 (2018). pp. 494–508. https://doi.org/10.1075/ijcl.17086.tel
- K. Vis (2011) - Subjectivity in news discourse. A corpus linguistic analysis of informalization. PhD Dissertation, VU Amsterdam.
- P. Vossen , A. Görög , F. Laan , M. Gompel , R. Izquierdo-Bevia , A. Bosch (2011) — DutchSemCor: Building a semantically annotated corpus for dutch — In: Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: New applications for new users: Proceedings of eLex 2011, bled, 10-12 november 2011.