- Status: Completed
- Type: Specific
- Work Package: WP3
- Research Coordinators: Alex Luu (Brandeis University)
- Coordinators for CLARIAH: Maarten van Gompel (Radboud University, Nijmegen)
- End-users: Various annotators
- Developers: Maarten van Gompel
- Interest Groups: Text Processing
- Task IDs: T062 (FLAT), T108 (FoLiA)
A project regarding annotation on Syntactic Movement was conducted at Brandeis Univesity. An annotation environment was needed to facilitate this and the researchers opted for FLAT.
- How to represent hidden/implicit words/tokens?
- FLAT was not ready for full syntactic annotation yet; further implementations were needed
- Tree visualisation needed to be improved
- FLAT needed support to annotate arbitrary relations
- FLAT - FoLiA Linguistic Annotation Tool
- foliadocserve - Back-end for FLAT
- FoliA - File format
- foliapy - Python library for FoLiA
References to related resources and publications and especially links to related use-cases: