Jeongmin Gu, Jonghee Back, Sung-Eui Yoon, Bochang Moon
This repository provides the example codes for SIGGRAPH 2024 paper, Target-Aware Image Denoising for Inverse Monte Carlo Rendering. You can apply our method for optimizing geometries and volumes using the specific version of Mitsuba3 as mentioned in our paper. For details, please refer to the paper and supplementary report on our website.
We recommend running this code through Docker and Nvidia-docker on Ubuntu. Please refer to the detailed instruction for the installation of Docker and Nvidia-docker.
You can download the example scenes in provided codes at the link below. In the provided code, the default path for the scene file is set to "./scenes/SCENE_NAME/scene.xml"
- Tire
- Veach-ajar
- Curtain
In the paper, we use a Mars image (i.e., albedo textures) as the initial parameters, which you can download from this website. After that, please copy the downloaded textures in "./scenes/Curtain/textures/2k_mars.jpg".
We provide the codes for various denoisers (e.g., cross-bilateral, OIDN, linear regression with G-buffers) and our target-aware denoiser for inverse MC rendering. For running the provided codes, you can proceed in the following order:
- Build and run docker image
- Build PyTorch custom operators (CUDA)
cd custom_ops
python install
python install
python install
- Run the script
If there are any questions, issues or comments, please feel free to send an e-mail to [email protected].