Having to write redundant methods can lead to hundreds of lines of code that can be hard to maintain. Meta programming provides us with tools that allow us to write code that writes its self.
opens the class and adds the method to the class itself. While this takes longer to define a method it puts the new method in the ancestor chain where it can be accessed quicker than if you used define_method.
class Test; end
Test.class_eval("def new_method() 1+1 end")
t = Test.new
t.new_method # => 2
will define an instance method on the receiver using the block or
Proc provided. While faster to create the method it has a little overhead that will slow the methods execution down. While this performance hit is relatively small it has an accumulative effect that can slow down code if the method is called multiple times in a row.
class Test; end
Test.define_method(:new_method) do
1 + 1
# or using a proc
a_proc = Proc.new { 1 + 1 }
Test.define_method(:another_method, a_proc)
t = Test.new
t.new_method # => 2
t.another_method # => 2
When Ruby compiles the code it will create instructions that YARV
. These instructions will differ between different that different ways you can define a method even if the code in that method are basically the same.
# Defines the methods normally
module Foo
def my_method
'module method'
# Defines the method using class eval
module ClassFoo
class_eval <<-RUBY
def my_method
'Class evaluated method'
# Defines the methods using define_method
module DefineFoo
define_method 'my_method' do
'Define method method'
# Base Class
class MyClass
def my_method
'class method'
# Subclass normal methods
class MySubclass < MyClass
include Foo
# class using class eval methods
class CEClass < MyClass
include ClassFoo
# Class using define method methods
class DMClass < MyClass
include DefineFoo
class_evaluated = CEClass.new
dynamiclly_defined = DMClass.new
normally_defined = MySubclass.new
Above we have three modules that each implement the same method in different ways;
, class_eval
, and define_method
. Each module has been included in its own
With the help of RubyVM's RubyVM::InstructionSequence
we can get a human readable
string of instruction sequences for a specific method. Using the disassemble
we will see each instruction.
irb(main):023:0> puts RubyVM::InstructionSequence.disasm(normally_defined.method(:my_method))
== disasm: <RubyVM::InstructionSequence:my_method@/Users/brian.mehrman/ruby_projects/lightning_talks/class_eval-vs-define_method/dynamic_methods.rb>
0000 trace 8 ( 20)
0002 trace 1 ( 21)
0004 putstring "module method"
0006 trace 16 ( 22)
0008 leave ( 21)
irb(main):019:0> puts RubyVM::InstructionSequence.disasm(class_evaluated.method(:my_method))
== disasm: <RubyVM::InstructionSequence:my_method@(class_evaluated)>===============
0000 trace 8 ( 1)
0002 trace 1 ( 2)
0004 putstring "Class evaluated method"
0006 trace 16 ( 3)
0008 leave ( 2)
irb(main):020:0> puts RubyVM::InstructionSequence.disasm(dynamiclly_evaluated.method(:my_method))
== disasm: <RubyVM::InstructionSequence:block in <module:DefineFoo>@/Users/brian.mehrman/ruby_projects/lightning_talks/class_eval-vs-define_method/dynamic_methods.rb>
== catch table
| catch type: redo st: 0002 ed: 0006 sp: 0000 cont: 0002
| catch type: next st: 0002 ed: 0006 sp: 0000 cont: 0006
0000 trace 256 ( 13)
0002 trace 1 ( 14)
0004 putstring "Define method method"
0006 trace 512 ( 15)
0008 leave ( 14)
At a quick glance we can see a major difference between the instructions for the
method created using define_method
. This extra step helps to slow down the methods
execution. What is this extra step from, one word 'closures'.
Blocks, Procs, and Lambdas are types of closures that are used everyday. A closure simply put is a self contained section of code that can be passed around that you can execute at a later point in your code.
arr = [1,2,3]
# Block
def log(&block)
log do
puts arr.first
# Proc
log = Proc.new { |arg| puts arg }
# Lambdas
log = lambda { |arg| puts arg }
These closures can be great to store code that you need to execute later, however executing that code later comes at a performance cost.
In the case of define_method
, the block passed to define_method is stored for use
later by instance_eval
. It is not clear exactly when the instance_eval
whether it is when the method is defined or when it is executed is not entirely
The class_eval
instantiates a new parser and compiles the source. Each method
definition in the class_eval
version does not share instruction sequences,
where the define_method
version does.
While define_method
is quick to create your method it is slower to execute. It
also is placed higher up the ancestor chain, slowing the method lookup as well.
Define method is great when you need to create a method that will be used in low
volume. Using class_eval
is slower to define the method, yet it provides the
benefit of executing faster than if it were defined using define_method
. The
methods defined using class_eval
also are placed lower in the ancestor chain.
Meta-programming is a great way to dry up your code and create code that can essentially write itself. This benefit comes at a cost, either at compile time or at run time. Knowing what that cost is can help in deciding what approach you show take.