##SynX Plugin that provides an easy way to transfer data between servers.
All builds for my plugins can be found at this link: http://kaikk.net/mc/
####Commands ######/synx nodes
- shows a list with all known nodes
######/synx tags
- shows a list with all known tags
######/synx reload
- reloads the plugin
- synx.manage - Permission necessary to run all commands (default: op)
- MySQL database
Add SynX to your build path. Maven:
Use SynX.instance().broadcast(String channel, byte[] data)
and SynX.instance().send(String channel, byte[] data, Node... destination)
to send data.
I suggest to use a ByteStreams.newDataOutput()
to help generating a byte array of data to be sent and ByteStreams.newDataInput()
for received data.
Your plugin can receive data by implementing the ChannelListener class and using SynX.instance().register(Plugin instance, String channel, ChannelListener channelListener)
to register it.