#User Management
todos & thoughts:
- write readme
- find a better name :D
- adjust build tools -> need proper jshint jscs and testing that works correctly with promises.
- complete error code lib.
- throw out odata module -> shouldn't be needed here.
- docs -> jsdocs, ?
- unit test everything! -> needs to be done for actual functions aswell
- review / refactor actual framework?
- how will the end user specify whats the properties of the user? Maybe inject a json sec into it.
- CI - codeship, travis, ?
- versioning?
- database? Mongo sql? - prefer mongo with mongoose
- no callbacks use promises
- use jwt as stateless tokens no database flags -> keep the db clean of this shit. see as example existing registration method
- hierachical mvc structure
- registration
- login
- email verification
- password reset
- email change ( needs again verifing )
- user updates
- role authorization
- maybe admin backend?
- transaction email with templates - smtp, maybe give choice to use sth like mandrill api?
- facebook, google+, twitter login
- user model adjustable