A double conversion module for Luau based off Google's double conversion.
The double to string converter class.
The possible bit combination of the flags enum: NO_FLAGS - No flags
EMIT_POSITIVE_EXPONENT_SIGN - When the number is in the exponential format,
it emits the "+" sign for positive exponents.
EMIT_TRAILING_DECIMAL_POINT - When the number is in the decimal format,
it emits a trailing decimal point ".".
EMIT_TRAILING_ZERO_AFTER_POINT - When the number is in the decimal format,
it emits a trailing "0" after the point, EMIT_TRAILING_DECIMAL_POINT must
be enabled
UNIQUE_ZERO - -0 does not display the minus sign "-"
The format for its string representation: AUTO - Print the value in the decimal format if it's in the range of [10^decimal_in_shortest_low; 10^decimal_in_shortest_high[
DECIAML - Print the value in the decimal format
EXPONENTIAL - Print the value in the exponential format
function DoubleToStringConverter.new(
flags: number,
infinity_symbol: string?,
nan_symbol: string?,
exponent_symbol: string,
decimal_in_shortest_low: number,
decimal_in_shortest_high: number,
min_exponent_width: number
): DoubleToStringConverter
The flag argument takes DoubleToStringConverter.Flags bit combination
infinity_symbol and nan_symbol provide a string representation of these values, if these are nil then if you enter these value, they'll return nil as well
exponent_symbol is the symbol that represents exponents, usually 'e' or 'E'
When the format argument is provided as AUTO, it'll represent the numbers in decimal format if the range [10^decimal_in_shortest_low; 10^decimal_in_shortest_high[ and exponential otherwise
min_exponent_width zero fills the exponent integer digit. Basically, adding leading '0's to the exponent until it's at least min_exponent_width long. It only accepts integers from 1 to 5 so the exponent may never have more than 5 digits in total.
function DoubleToStringConverter:ToShortest(value: number, format: number?)
Converts the double to its shortest decimal representation that correctly represents the double. The format argument takes the DoubleToStringConverter.Format argument enum as described.
function DoubleToStringConverter:ToExact(value: number, format: number?)
Converts the double to its exact decimal representation. The format argument takes the DoubleToStringConverter.Format argument enum as described.
function DoubleToDecimalConverter.ToShortest(value: number): ({ number }?, number?, number?)
Returns the shortest decimal representation of double converted to decimal in array of table with the length and scale by the power of ten. Zero, infinity, and NaN will return nil
function DoubleToDecimalConverter.ToExact(value: number): ({ number }?, number?, number?)
Returns the exact decimal representation of double converted to decimal in array of table with the length and scale by the power of ten
function DecimalToDoubleConverter.ToDouble(value: { number }, scale: number?, i: number?, j: number?): number?
Converts decimal array from i to j to a double with scale in power of tens
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