Cryptography supports: AES-128-CBC, AES-192, AES-256-CBC, CAST5-CBC, BlowFish-CBC
A command line interface designed for this component due to set a encryption key, test system etc.
Some of commands:
- [php guard key:set]
- [php guard key:generate]
- [php guard fresh]
How to use console app?
For using console app just open up a terminal where guard
is and type: php guard
All commands are documented and operational.
Use [Composer] to install the package:
$ composer require blackplatinum/encryption
use BlackPlatinum\Encryption\Crypto\Symmetric\Crypto;
use BlackPlatinum\Encryption\KeyManager\KeyManager;
$cipher = (new Crypto('CAST5-CBC'))->setKey(KeyManager::getKey())->encrypt(
'Name' => 'John',
'LastName' => 'LastName',
'Age' => 22,
'IsStudent' => true,
'Courses' => ['Math', 'Economy', 'Chemistry']
print $cipher;
$plainText = (new Crypto('BF-CBC'))->setKey(KeyManager::getKey())->decrypt('eyJpdiI6Ik05RE9...');
use BlackPlatinum\Encryption\Crypto\Asymmetric\Crypto;
$crypto = new Crypto();
$cipher = $crypto->publicKeyEncrypt(
'Name' => 'John',
'LastName' => 'LastName',
'Age' => 22,
'IsStudent' => true,
'Courses' => ['Math', 'Economy', 'Chemistry']
], KeyManager::getRSAPublicKey()
print $cipher . "\n";
print_r($crypto->privateKeyDecrypt($cipher, KeyManager::getRSAPrivateKey()));
All of classes and methods have documentation, you can read them and figure out how they work
- [BlackPlatinum Developers]
- E-Mail: [[email protected]]
All contents of this component are licensed under the [MIT license].