The game works by;
- Each user can choose their own name
- Users must reach the same goal of clicks to score a win
- All progress resets upon a win
- Wins are shown at the top of the page
- Copy the files to a folder from the ZIP download or clone from github
- Using the command line, navigate to that folder
- Install the dependencies with
npm install
- Start the server with
npm run start
- open a web browser at the address shown. By default here
- Why not have a go at adding another button to click.
- A more advanced task would be to show the current count on the button.
- Add animation to changes on the page
- by editing the server and client files have the page show new users the current clicks
- track a score for the total amount of times the buttons reached full
- Ask for a username and join the group
- Show all the users to a new user, not just the defaults list and users since they joined.
- Show the current progress to new users when they join. Don't wait for each player to click again.
- Show the current scores to new users
- Design a leaderboard
- track the winning users in to scores on a leaderboard.
- ... anything you want!
- Describe or list some of the features of this app on here! (How is it used, etc.)
- Once a new user is added, hide the popover form.
- How will new users be told about the aleady existing players?
- How can we also share the game state (i.e. Curent progress)?
- Can we tally the number of wins into a table
- How about saving the table into a leaderboard?
- What if you changed the games into timed rounds that start at once, instead of its continuous form now.