telegram bot project for streaming video on telegram video chat, powered by tgcalls and pyrogram
🏷️ --Setting Up-- :
- 1.) first, add me to your group.
- 2.) then promote me as admin and give all permissions except anonymous admin.
- 3.) add @vcpalyassistant to your group.
- 4.) turn on the voice chat first before start to stream video.
- 5.) type /stream (reply to video) to start streaming.
- 6.) type /stop to end the video streaming.
🏷️ --Common Commands-- :
/start |
start bot |
/help |
get help |
/video [name] |
download the video |
/alive |
inline search commands help |
🏷️ --Admin Only Commands-- :
/vplay |
video url |
/vplay |
stream the replied video |
/mute |
mute the userbot in vc |
/unmute |
unmute the userbot in vc |
/vstop |
end stream and left vc |
Get pyrogram (p) SESSION
from here:
The easy way to host this bot
- sudo apt update && ugrade -y
- sudo apt install python3-pip -y virtualenv
- sudo apt install ffmpeg -y
- git clone #Clone your repo.
- cd video-stream
- virtualenv env #Create Virtual Environment.
- source env/bin/activate #Activate Virtual Environment
- pip3 install --upgrade pip
- pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt
- sudo nano #Fill it with your variables value.
- python3 -m bot
Credits 💖
- levina-lab first coder
- MarshalX for pytgcalls
- Dan for Pyrogram
Credits 💖
- levina-lab first coder
- MarshalX for pytgcalls
- Dan for Pyrogram