Mastermind is a code-breaking game. However traditionally a board game for 2 players, this is an online game where you play against the computer to see if you can break it's code.
###How to play
The computer has chosen a random selection of 4 colours from a total of 6. The player then has a total of 10 attempts to guess the correct combination of colours in the correct order. The same colour can be chosen more than once. After each go the player checks their guess against the computer. The results will be shown in the box to the right of the current row. A black circle indicates the player has chosen a correct colour and in the correct position. A white circle indicates the player has chosen a correct colour but in the wrong position. If the player is unable to work out the combination in 10 gos, it's game over!
###The Project requirements
- Render a game in the browser
- Design logic for winning
- Include separate HTML / CSS / JavaScript files
- Visually display when the player has won
Mastermind has been built using:
- Javascript
- jQuery
- Keypress
###Check out the game online!