This add-on provides an adapter which adds ir devices to the Mozilla IoT Gateway
You can install Broadlink Adapter from gateway plugins page.
By default, the broadlink-adapter has no ir device. You need edit configuration to control ir devices according to the following steps
The first step, you record ir codes using a broadlink device. Exucute the following comand and answer displayed questions.
cd ~/.mozilla-iot/addons/broadlink-adapter
node asset/learncode
If you answer questions till the end, JSON will be output to console. For example, the following JSON is output when recording dimbleLight's ir code.
"mac": "34:ea:34:c7:b2:ec",
"type": "dimbleLight",
"id": "dimbleLight01",
"name": "Living dimbleLight",
"ir": {
"on": "26005000000124911311141114111411141114111411143513111435133513351311143513351311143513111411141114351311141114111411143513351335131114351335133513000d05",
"off": "26005000000124911311141114111411141114111411143513111435133513351311143513351311141114111411141114111411141114111435133513351335133513351335133513000d05",
"levelUp": "26005000000124911311141114111411141114111411143513111435133513351311143513351311143513111435131114111411141114111411143513111435133513351335133513000d05",
"levelDown": "26005000000124911311141114111411141114111411143513111435133513351311143513351311141114351335131114111411141114111435131114111435133513351335133513000d05"
"onLevel": 100,
"levelStep": 5
Open config and insert JSONs in the devices array.
cd ~/mozilla-iot/gateway/tools
./ broadlink-adapter -e
"devices": [
// add JSONs here
If add multiple recorded ir codes, add recorded JSONs according to JSON format.
"devices": [
"type": "dimbleLight",
//first recorded json
"type": "thermostat",
//second recorded json
Broadlink-adapter supports the following device types.
- thermostat
- dimbleLight
- light
- switch
You can see configuration samples in the example directory.
- web configuration screen