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Enrichment use case: update to DataFrames and Makie
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ismael-lajaaiti committed Mar 22, 2023
1 parent 0666323 commit 0598318
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Showing 2 changed files with 78 additions and 37 deletions.
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion docs/Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
EcologicalNetworksDynamics = "2fd9189a-c387-4076-88b7-22b33b5a4388"
AlgebraOfGraphics = "cbdf2221-f076-402e-a563-3d30da359d67"
CairoMakie = "13f3f980-e62b-5c42-98c6-ff1f3baf88f0"
DataFrames = "a93c6f00-e57d-5684-b7b6-d8193f3e46c0"
DifferentialEquations = "0c46a032-eb83-5123-abaf-570d42b7fbaa"
Documenter = "e30172f5-a6a5-5a46-863b-614d45cd2de4"
EcologicalNetworks = "f03a62fe-f8ab-5b77-a061-bb599b765229"
EcologicalNetworksDynamics = "2fd9189a-c387-4076-88b7-22b33b5a4388"
Plots = "91a5bcdd-55d7-5caf-9e0b-520d859cae80"
110 changes: 74 additions & 36 deletions docs/src/example/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
# Paradox of enrichment

```@setup econetd
using EcologicalNetworksDynamics

The *paradox of enrichment* is a counter-intuitive phenomenon discovered by
[Micheal Rosenzweig in 1961](
Expand All @@ -20,6 +17,7 @@ and check that our simulations fit with analytical predictions.
We consider a 2-species system with one resource (``R``) and one consumer (``C``).

```@example econetd
using EcologicalNetworksDynamics
foodweb = FoodWeb([0 0; 1 0]); # 2 eats 1

Expand All @@ -30,7 +28,7 @@ with a handling time (`hₜ`), an attack rate (`aᵣ`), and a hill exponent (`h`
to simplify analytical derivations.

```@example econetd
response = ClassicResponse(foodweb; aᵣ = 1, hₜ = 1, h = 1);
functional_response = ClassicResponse(foodweb; aᵣ = 1, hₜ = 1, h = 1);

Then, the system dynamics are governed by the following set of ODEs:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -104,18 +102,18 @@ J(R_2, C_2) =

This equilibrium is stable if ``K \leq K_c = \frac{\frac{x}{e}}{1 - \frac{x}{e}}``.
This equilibrium is stable if ``K \leq K_0 = \frac{\frac{x}{e}}{1 - \frac{x}{e}}``.
In other words, when the carrying capacity becomes large enough
the consumer can coexist with the resource,
and ``K_c`` is the minimal capacity needed for the consumer to persist.
and ``K_0`` is the minimal capacity needed for the consumer to persist.

!!! note

``K_c`` is positive if and only if ``e \geq x``
``K_0`` is positive if and only if ``e \geq x``
which is the second condition for the consumer to survive.
Its assimilation of the resource has to be high enough to fulfill its metabolic demand.

Formally, above ``K_c`` the system switches to the third equilibrium whose Jacobian is:
Formally, above ``K_0`` the system switches to the third equilibrium whose Jacobian is:

J(R_3, C_3) =
Expand All @@ -130,54 +128,94 @@ i.e. that the sum of eigenvalues is negative (``Tr(J) \leq 0``)
and the product of eigenvalues is positive (``\Delta(J) \geq 0``).

Eventually, we find that both species can coexist if
``K \leq 1 + 2K_c``.
``K \leq 1 + 2K_0``.
Here appears the *paradox of enrichment*:
when we increase the resource carrying capacity too much (above ``1 + 2K_c``)
when we increase the resource carrying capacity too much (above ``1 + 2K_0``)
the system is destabilized and starts to oscillate.
Moreover, the amplitude of the oscillations increases with the carrying capacity,
and eventually the species collapse.

## Summary: orbit diagram

All of the system behavior can be summarized in one plot, which we call an *orbit diagram*.
The system behavior can be summarized in a single plot, an *orbit diagram*.
The orbit diagram represents the evolution of system (stable) equilibrium
depending on the carrying capacity.
On this orbit diagram, as we expect to obtain limit cycles (for large `K`),
we will only record the biomass extrema during the cycle.

```@example econetd
biomass_extrema(solution, last)
Compute biomass extrema for each species during the `last` time steps.
function biomass_extrema(solution, last)
trajectories = extract_last_timesteps(solution; last, quiet = true)
S = size(trajectories, 1) # Row = species, column = time steps.
[(min = minimum(trajectories[i, :]), max = maximum(trajectories[i, :])) for i in 1:S]

All ingredients are ready, we can now mix them together to produce the orbit diagram.

```@example econetd
using Plots # hide
using AlgebraOfGraphics, CairoMakie, DataFrames
ENV["GKSwstype"] = "100" # don't open a plot window while building the documentation # hide
# Setup
K_list = [1 + 0.1 * i for i in 1:46]
append!(K_list, [5.6 + i * 0.01 for i in 1:440])
R_list = [] # resource final biomass
C_list = [] # consumer final biomass
# Run simulations
for K in K_list
e = Environment(foodweb; K = K)
p = ModelParameters(foodweb; functional_response = response, environment = e)
out = simulate(p, [0.5 + rand() / 2]; tmax = rand(500:1000), verbose = false)
append!(R_list, out.u[end][1])
append!(C_list, out.u[end][2])
K_values = LinRange(1, 10, 50)
tmax = 1_000 # Simulation length.
verbose = false # Do not show '@info' messages during the simulation.
df = DataFrame(;
K = Float64[],
B_resource_min = Float64[],
B_resource_max = Float64[],
B_consumer_min = Float64[],
B_consumer_max = Float64[],
# Run simulations: for each carrying capacity we compute the equilibrium biomass.
for K in K_values
environment = Environment(foodweb; K)
params = ModelParameters(foodweb; functional_response, environment)
B0 = rand(2) # Inital biomass.
solution = simulate(params, B0; tmax, verbose)
extrema = biomass_extrema(solution, "10%")
push!(df, [K, extrema[1].min, extrema[1].max, extrema[2].min, extrema[2].max])
# Plot orbit diagram
plot(K_list, R_list; label = "resource", xlabel = "K", ylabel = "B", seriestype = :scatter)
plot!(K_list, C_list; label = "consumer", seriestype = :scatter, legend = :topleft)
vline!([2.3]; linestyle = :dashdot, lw = 3, color = :grey, label = "Kc")
vline!([1 + 2 * 2.3]; linestyle = :dashdot, lw = 3, color = :darkgrey, label = "1 + 2Kc")
# Plot the orbit diagram with Makie.
set_aog_theme!() # AlgebraOfGraphics theme.
c_r = :green # Resource color.
c_c = :purple # Consumer color.
c_v = :grey # Vertical lines color.
fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[2, 1]; xlabel = "Carrying capacity, K", ylabel = "Equilibrium biomass")
resource_line = scatterlines!(df.K, df.B_resource_min; color = c_r, markercolor = c_r)
scatterlines!(df.K, df.B_resource_max; color = c_r, markercolor = c_r)
consumer_line = scatterlines!(df.K, df.B_consumer_min; color = c_c, markercolor = c_c)
scatterlines!(df.K, df.B_consumer_max; color = c_c, markercolor = c_c)
K0 = 2.3
v_line1 = vlines!(ax, [K0]; color = c_v)
v_line2 = vlines!(ax, [1 + 2 * K0]; color = c_v, linestyle = :dashdot)
fig[1, 1],
[resource_line, consumer_line, v_line1, v_line2],
["resource", "consumer", "K₀", "1+2K₀"];
orientation = :horizontal,
tellheight = true, # Adjust the height of the legend sub-figure.
tellwidth = false, # Do not adjust the width of the orbit diagram.
save("enrichment_orbit-diagram.png", fig; px_per_unit = 3, resolution = (450, 350)); # hide
nothing; # hide


As described above we observe three parts in this plot.
First, if ``K \leq K_c`` only the resource survives
First, if ``K \leq K_0`` only the resource survives
and has a biomass equal to its carrying capacity.
Secondly, if ``K_c \leq K \leq 1 + 2 K_c`` both species can coexist:
the resource has a constant biomass equal to ``K_c``,
Secondly, if ``K_0 \leq K \leq 1 + 2 K_0`` both species can coexist:
the resource has a constant biomass equal to ``K_0``,
while the consumer biomass increases with the carrying capacity.
Thirdly, if ``K \geq 1 + 2 K_c`` then the system is destabilized and starts to oscillate
Thirdly, if ``K \geq 1 + 2 K_0`` then the system is destabilized and starts to oscillate
resulting eventually in the extinction of the species.

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