Helm chart and container with additional support to deploy OpenNSA as part of a NSI-node deployement.
Edit the OpenNSA configuration file charts/nsi-opennsa/config/opennsa.conf
update at least the following:
- the domain this OpenNSA is authoritative for
- the host as advertised as part of the URL's in the discovery file
- update the helm instance name and namespace
Edit the network resource map charts/nsi-opennsa/config/opennsa.nrm
to reflect
the NSI exposed topology.
Add the trusted certificates to charts/nsi-opennsa/certs
and make sure that
the files are named like <hash>.0
, for example:
hash=`openssl x509 -noout -hash -in host.crt`
ln -s host.cert ${hash}.0
Do not use certificates
as the name of the folder to hold the certificates
because Helm will ignore that folder.
Add custom backends to charts/nsi-opennsa/backends
, if any. The backends can
then be referenced from your opennsa.conf
. If the nsi-opennsa container is missing
Python modules that are needed by a backend please create an issue so support
can be added.
Edit service
and ingress
in charts/nsi-opennsa/values.yaml
to reflect the way
OpenNSA is exposed to the Internet.
helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
helm dependency update charts/nsi-opennsa
kubectl create secret generic example-secret --from-literal=POSTGRES_PASSWORD="`head -c 33 /dev/urandom | base64`"
POSTGRES_PASSWORD=`kubectl get secret example-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.POSTGRES_PASSWORD}" | base64 --decode`
helm upgrade --install --set postgresql.auth.password=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD example charts/nsi-opennsa