Utility R script based on tidyverse packages.
Reads a LocARNA input FASTA file with structure (#S) or fixed structure (#FS) constraints and a corresponding ClustalW alignment file produced by LocARNA using the given constraints. Individual sequence constraints are mapped to respective alignment positions to generate a consensus constraint that can be used with RNAalifold to predict a constraint consensus RNA secondary structure of the alignment.
NOTE: requires a NESTED structure constraint FOR EACH aligned sequence!
Supported constraint encodings are ()<>.x
, see LocARNA documentation.
All other encodings are silently ignored.
-h, --help
Show this help message and exit
LocARNA Clustal-w alignment output file to map the constaints to
-c FASTA.FILE, --constraint=FASTA.FILE
LocARNA FASTA input file with structure constraints used to generate the alignment
-t S|FS, --type=S|FS
LocARNA structure constraint type to be used: (S)tructure constraint or (FS) = fixed structure constraint.Default: 'S'
-m (>0), --min=(>0)
Minimal number of similar constraints per position to be considered in consensus.Default: 2
-f [0.6..1], --fraction=[0.6..1]
Minimal fraction of similar constraints per position to be considered in consensus.Default: 0.7
Using the provided
- LocARNA input FASTA file with structure constraints input-constraints.fa and
- the corresponding LocARNA CLUSTAL-W alignment output file result.aln
we can all the script like this
Rscript --vanilla consensus-constraint.R -a result.aln -c input-constraints.fa
and get the following output of a consensus constraint
that we can use to call RNAalifold to get a constrained folding of the alignment.
# pipe constraint via STDIN into RNAalifold
Rscript --vanilla consensus-constraint.R -a result.aln -c input-constraints.fa | \
RNAalifold --aln --color --ribosum_scoring --cfactor 0.6 --nfactor 0.5 --mis -t 0 -C --enforceConstraint --noLP result.aln
- R
packages (run in Rinstall.packages("tidyverse")
If you are using conda and you dont have R installed, you can do so via conda
conda install conda-forge::r-tidyverse conda-forge::r-optparse
which should install all needed dependencies.