Minor bugfix and source reorganization release.
New features:
- core classes and functionality is now available as a C++ library with
namespace (see help)
- multi-region definition was resulting in incomplete data structure reinit in heuristic prediction mode
- seed traceback was not using correct offsets if prediction regions are constrained
The recent IntaRNA version is also available for ad hoc use (with limited parameterization but extended input/output features) at the Freiburg RNA tools webserver.
Downloads (see installation guide):
: source code distribution (see help)IntaRNA-VERSION-linux-64bit
: statically precompiled binary for linux/unix 64bit (without multi-threading support)IntaRNA-VERSION-windows-64bit.zip
: precompiled binary and required libraries for MS Windows 64bit (built on Win7pro with Cygwin)IntaRNA-VERSION-API.tar.gz
: documentation of the IntaRNA C++ library (see help)Source Code
: archive of the github content for the according version (see help)