We all take notes at some point, either in class or in a meeting. One of the popular methods of note-taking is typing down your thoughts while listening. A lot of times, the notes we took can be hard to read or confusing. To solve this problem, we will build a web application empowered by ChatGPT that helps users to complete and summarize notes.
Behind the scenes is the MERN stack, Pivotal Tracker, Git/GitHub, and many other libraries. The main tech stack and its purpose are:
- MongoDB: Store notes documents and user account credentials.
- ExpressJS: Build server structure, handle CRUD operations, and RESTful requests.
- React: Front-end user interface and data handling.
- NodeJS: Provides a runtime environment for our project to operate.
Google Drive
- Meetings records and summaries
- Project iteration planning
- Project risk management assessments
- Role Assignment
- Progress Report
- Software Test Document
- Presentation slides
- Project Repository
- Code
- Front-end code
- Back-end code
- Demo
- presentation video
- Doc
- iteration0
- CS673_MeetingMinutes
- CS673_SPPP_RiskManagement_team5
- CS673_SPPP_team5
- ProgressReport_team5
- team5_iter0
- iteration1
- CS673_UserStories_Team5
- CS673_MeetingMinutes (1)
- CS673_ProgressReport_team5
- CS673_SDD_team5
- CS673_SPPP_team5
- Readme
- CS673_presentation_iter1
- iteration2
- CS673_MeetingMinutes
- CS673_ProgressReport_team5
- CS673_SDD_team5
- CS673_SPPP_team
- CS673_presentation_iter2
- iteration3
- CS673_SPPP
- CS673_MeetingMinutes
- CS673_progressReport
- CS673_userstories
- CS673_SDD
- CS673_STD
- CS673_Presentation_final
- iteration0
- Misc (currently empty)
- team.md
- Code
- Project Repository
- Nicholas Narmada - Team Lead
- Project Management
- Code Reviews
- Backend for Document Page
- Setting up OpenAI API
- Document page API testing
- Siyuan Wan - Security Lead
- Frontend for Homepage
- Homepage Testing
- Connect to backend with Axios methods
- Debug
- Yibo Wang - QA Lead
- Frontend for document page
- Document page testing
- Wenhao Tian - Design and Implementation Lead
- Setting up backend side
- Backend for Homepage
- Testing for Homepage
- Guancheng Huang - Requirements Lead
- Backend for login page
- Middleware
- Backend login test case
- Debug
- Yichen Li - Configuration Lead
- Front-end for Login page
- Front-end security
- Google OAuth for Google API access
- Frontend: 3 people
- Backend: 3 people
- Project development ideas.
- Clear division and familiarization with individual parts.
- Finish making UI.
- Use dummy data.
- Research about ChatGPT API and LangChain.
- Setup Express and MongoDB.
- Implementing page navigation
- Remove dummy data, use real-time data from the backend.
- Create loading and error states.
- Finish CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations.
- Finish building MongoDB data models.
- Finish login, logout functionalities.
- Implement user authentication with JWT.
- Ensure everything works seamlessly.
- Implementing integration testing with Cypress for frontend
- Implementing unit testing with Mocha for backend