Tiny Embedded .NET NoSQL Style Database with cloud storage in Azure Table Storage with massive scaleability
Download from NuGet - search for ALTE
Download this project for demo in C#
Visit developer at www.aversa.co.uk
.NET Objects are stored in Azure Table Storage
Stores one property in one column on Azure for full compatibility and simplicity
Can store Decimal/Currency/TimeSpan etc. type fields not normally supported in Table Storage
Can store larger byte arrays or strings over multiple columns automatically
Any number of properties can be indexed for lightning quick retreival
Simple strongly typed fluent query syntax - easier than LINQ - then use client LINQ after!
Authomatically uses an index on the query and will warn you if you're not using an index in the output window
Tables (Objects) can be full text indexed
Pass in a search phrase to search the full text index
Easy to read automatic time sequential IDs - similar to GUIDs but more user friendly and shorter - or use several other ID types or roll your own
Optimistic concurrency built in
Simple and easy to use blob storage utilities built in
Other utilites included - Randomise lists, Re-indexing, Backup of Table and Blobs
Includes an ASP.NET session provider - although work is still needed on this to clear old session data, it is fully working
Multi-tenant database connection methods allow more than one "database" per table store
USES: -- Multi-tenant apps -- Large scale apps
In use on our multi tennant e-commerce platform - e.g. www.woodstyle.co.uk
In use currently on large scale classified selling platform - e.g. www.advertisedelsewhere.co.uk
In use on hotel booking systems - e.g. www.hengardirect.co.uk
See how easy it is to get going!
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Open our database");
var DB = new Alte.AlteSession("altedemo", "2BQX+KxHC7KbEX5Dd3wFOTV+HHsvmpnsaSJ2/H1Evd7i41tScEP1VFuvB/gd+Jg4iaPfwlhyl2cNhtxip1fNhA==", "mydemo");
// we are creating a connection to altedemo azure storage account. V1 or V2 is fine, V2 can be cheaper. The last parameter allows to to prefix
// our tables to in all essence have multiple databases within one storage account. This is great for multi tenant apps - but obviously you
// will load the account more this way.
// this isn't 100% necessary but good practice
// if you change object structure - ESPECIALLY indexes - run this to re-index the table
Person newperson;
Console.WriteLine("Try to load person record with ID DEMO");
newperson = DB.GetByID<Person>("DEMO");
//try and load our person from the database with ID "DEMO"
if (newperson is null)
Console.WriteLine("We haven't got a record with ID DEMO, so lets create and save");
newperson = new Person(DB);
newperson.ID = "DEMO"; //normally leave this or use one of the standard options - but for this demo we can use later
Console.WriteLine("We got our record!");
Console.WriteLine("Changing Properties");
newperson.Email = "[email protected]";
newperson.FirstName = "Jack";
newperson.LastName = "Whitfield";
newperson.Title = "Mr";
newperson.ProfileNotes = "I am a very proficient .NET programmer - more VB than C#, but pretty good at HTML and JavaScript too!";
newperson.HourlyRate = 50.55M;
newperson.ServiceLength = new TimeSpan(365, 0, 0, 0, 0);
newperson.PersonType = PersonTypes.Freelancer;
//now get record by various methods!
//individual record by ID - will return the record or null
var p1 = DB.GetByID<Person>("DEMO");
//query of records by property name - returns a list (may be empty!). Will automatically use an indexed property
//if available, else will fall back to Azure Table queries
var p2_list = DB.Query<Person>().Where(nameof(Person.Email), QueryOperand.Equal, "[email protected]").Result();
//we can get more complicated
var p3_list = DB.Query<Person>().Where(nameof(Person.Email), QueryOperand.Equal, "[email protected]").Or(nameof(Person.LastName), "Whitfield").Result();
//we are using nameof to keep it type safe - but you can just use the field name directly as a string
//and by default the query is an equals
var p4_list = DB.Query<Person>().Where("Email", "[email protected]").Result();
//make a change in our list
p4_list[0].LastName = "Whittlefields";
//query by full text. Full text indexes can also store specified fields if you'd use them to save retrieving the full item
//**NOTE** that the properties saved in the index are LOWER CASE regardless of case in the object
List<FullTextResult> i1_list = DB.GetFullTextResults<Person>("html");
Console.WriteLine("Got FTS results from FTS :" + i1_list[0].ID + " - " + i1_list[0].Properties["email"]);
//get the full object results from the full text results
var p5_list = DB.GetByFullTextResult<Person>(i1_list);
Console.WriteLine("Got record from FTS list :" + p5_list[0].ID + " - " + p5_list[0].LastName);
Console.WriteLine("Press return to exit");
class Person : Alte.AlteObject
public Person() { }
public Person(Alte.AlteSession alteSession) : base(alteSession)
{ }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
//normal index, but store with the full text search
[Alte.Index(), Alte.FTSstore()]
public string Email { get; set; }
//full text search index
public string ProfileNotes { get; set; }
//DateTime is dealt with properly meaning a minvalue (or null) is correctly stored and returned
public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; }
//Types not supported normally in Azure Tables
public decimal HourlyRate { get; set; } // Stored internally as integer / 10000
public TimeSpan ServiceLength { get; set; } // Stored internally as ticks
public List<string> Skills {get;set;} // lists stored internally as JSON string
public PersonTypes PersonType { get; set; }
enum PersonTypes