- Franck Maussand - Laugharne (Laugharne) · GitHub
- Nicolas Villa - Boyquotes · GitHub
- Solana
- Rust
- Anchor
- TypeScript / chai / mocha (test units)
Front-End: Link to front repository ->
- React
- Solana-web3 library / Anchor
- TypeScript
Program & instructions
- DAO Initialization: Initialize the DAO with the necessary configuration.
- Setting scheduler key: Set the scheduler public key (used for vote checking).
- Pausable mode: Pausable mode, to "freeze" the DAO.
- Create Proposal: Create a new proposal for voting.
- Voter registration: Register members as eligible voters.
- Change proposal status: Update the status of proposals.
- Vote on Proposal: Allow members to vote on the proposals.
- DAO Base Account: Stores the overall state of the DAO including indexes of voters and proposals.
- Proposal Account: Represents an individual proposal.
- Voter Account: Represents an individual voter in the DAO.
- Vote Account: Represents an individual vote by a voter on a proposal.
Structures, associated to accounts
Link to programs source :
pub struct AtoProposal {
pub signer : Pubkey,
pub deadline : u64,
pub threshold : u64,
pub amount : u64,
pub vote_yes : u16,
pub vote_no : u16,
pub vote_index_tail: u16,
pub index : u16,
pub title : [u8; STR_SIZE_TITLE],
pub description : [u8; STR_SIZE_DESCR],
pub mode : u8,
pub status : u8,
pub trade : u8,
pub struct AtoVoter {
pub voter: Pubkey,
pub index: u16,
pub name : [u8; STR_SIZE_NAME],
pub email: [u8; STR_SIZE_EMAIL],
pub struct AtoVote {
pub voter : Pubkey,
pub amount : u64,
pub timestamp : u64,
pub proposal_index: u16,
pub voter_index: u16,
pub vote_index: u16,
pub vote : bool,
// false = no
// true = yes
macro_rules! compute_fn { ($msg:expr=> $($tt:tt)*) => { anchor_lang::solana_program::msg!(concat!($msg, " {")); anchor_lang::solana_program::log::sol_log_compute_units(); let res = { $($tt)* }; anchor_lang::solana_program::log::sol_log_compute_units(); anchor_lang::solana_program::msg!(concat!(" } // ", $msg)); res }; }
It allows you to measure and log the compute units consumed before and after the execution of a block of code.
macro_rules! admin_only { ($ctx:expr) => {{ let ato_data = &mut $ctx.accounts.ato_data; let signer = &$ctx.accounts.signer; require_eq!(ato_data.admin, signer.key(), AtoError::AdminOnly); }}; }
It allow to check the rule for administrator role.
macro_rules! scheduler_only { ($ctx:expr) => {{ let ato_data = &mut $ctx.accounts.ato_data; let signer = &$ctx.accounts.signer; require_eq!(ato_data.scheduler, signer.key(), AtoError::SchedulerOnly); }}; }
It allow to check the rule for scheduler role.
macro_rules! pausable { ($ctx:expr) => {{ let ato_data = &mut $ctx.accounts.ato_data; require_eq!(ato_data.paused, false, AtoError::ProgramPaused); }}; }
It allow to check if program is on "pause" mode.
macro_rules! string_to_u8 { ($string:expr, $storage_title:expr) => {{ let bytes: &[u8] = $string.as_bytes(); let len = bytes.len().min($storage_title.len()); $storage_title[..len].copy_from_slice(&bytes[..len]); //$storage_title }}; }
The macro is useful when you need to store string data in a fixed-size array or of
values. This is often required in environments like Solana smart contracts where fixed-size buffers are used for efficiency and compatibility with on-chain data structures.check_index!
macro_rules! check_index { ($index:expr) => {{ require_gt!(ATO_INDEX_MAX, $index, AtoError::OutOfBoundIndex); }}; }
Essentially, this macro is a shorthand to check that a given index is within acceptable bounds, specifically less than ATO_INDEX_MAX, and to handle the error case cleanly if it is not.
The purpose of this project is to create a DAO on the Solana blockchain where administrators can propose and members can propose and vote on different proposals. The voting can be triggered based on a time duration or a threshold value obtained from an oracle.
The project includes tests using web3.js
and chai
to ensure the functionalities work as expected. Example test scenarios include initializing the DAO, adding voters, creating and voting on proposals (and checking the results).
├── app
├── migrations
│ └── deploy.ts
├── programs
│ └── ato
│ ├── src
│ │ ├── instructions
│ │ │ ├──
│ │ │ ├──
│ │ │ ├──
│ │ │ ├──
│ │ │ ├──
│ │ │ ├──
│ │ │ ├──
│ │ │ ├──
│ │ │ └──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ └──
│ ├── Cargo.toml
│ └── Xargo.toml
├── tests
│ └── ato.ts
├── Anchor.toml
├── Cargo.lock
├── Cargo.toml
├── package.json
├── tests_local_deploy.png
├── tsconfig.json
└── yarn.lock
7 directories, 26 files
solana-test-validator --reset
solana logs
anchor test --skip-local-validator
rustc 1.79.0 (129f3b996 2024-06-10)
cargo 1.79.0 (ffa9cf99a 2024-06-03)
solana-cli 1.18.17 (src:b685182a; feat:4215500110, client:SolanaLabs)
anchor-cli 0.29.0
yarn 1.22.19
node v18.16.0
npm 9.6.7
cargo build-sbf -V
solana-cargo-build-sbf 1.18.17
platform-tools v1.41
rustc 1.75.0