modxWebpConverter, user manual - Webp converter for MODX Revo
MODX Revolution is a plugin that converts image files to webp format.
- Create a subdirectory /connectors/converter/ and fill the files there:
- converter.php - Server api
- converter.js - Script for admin panel
- Binaries - Binary utilities cwebp, there is for linux, windows, macos, freebsd, solaris.
The binaries are taken from and
Install & Update bin files cwebp tool
- Creating a plugin in the admin panel: modx_plugin_webp_converter.php and hang it on the events:
- OnManagerPageBeforeRender
- OnWebPagePrerender
- OnSiteRefresh
- OnTemplateSave
- OnChunkSave
- OnPluginSave
- OnSnippetSave
- OnTemplateVarSave
- OnDocFormSave
After that, an icon will appear in the upper-right menu. When you click on it, the site directories will be scanned in the background, and a copy of each image in the webp subdirectory will be created. i.e. /assets/logo.png - > /webp/assets/logo.png.webp
- After converting all found images, all images in the site's HTML code will be replaced with webp, if the browser supports them.
Tested on MODX Revolution 2.7.3-pl!
- Windows 7 64bit XAMPP PHP 7.4.9,
- linux Ubuntu 20.04 64bit LAMP PHP 7.4.3,
- linux CentOS 7 LANMP PHP 5.4.45
Took a selection of jpg & png, 24382 files, 3385MB.
Everything worked fine, memory consumption is at a peak: on win 6 580 936b, on lin 3 816 368b. Scanning subdirectories took: 191ms SSD, 3123ms HDD. Compression of a single file takes from 28ms to 5800ms. The resulting volume of compressed files: 1005MB, no loss in quality was noticed.
I opened 12 tabs in the browser at the same time, as a result, the encoding went to 12 threads, I have a Ryzen 5 2600X Six-Core processing of all files took about 45 minutes.