This project aims to use machine learning algorithms to detect seizure from ECG data, in a MLOps environment. Here is an overview of the automated ML pipeline :
This pipeline runs inside a dockerised environment, represented below :
The pipeline requires these packages to run :
- Python >= 3.7
- pandas == 1.1.5
- numpy == 1.19.5
- pyEDFlib == 0.1.22
- click == 8.0.1
- py-ecg-detectors == 1.0.2
- wfdb == 3.4.0
- biosppy == 0.7.3
- hrv-analysis == 1.0.4
- ecg-qc == 1.0b5
- great-expectations == 0.13.25
- airflow-provider-great-expectations == 0.0.7
- psycopg2-binary == 2.8.6
You can install them in a virtual environment on your machine via the command :
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
You need to have docker and docker-compose installed on your machine to set the environment up.
Using symbolic link is most conveniant use to import data stored in another path. In this case, first create a symbolic link in data folder:
$ ln -s -r PATH_TO_DATA_FOLDER data/
Then update file with the the name of the folder of symbolic link at last line:
You can now run these commands :
$ source
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up airflow-init
$ docker-compose up -d
Warning: Here are the default ports used by the different services. If one of them is already in use on your machine, change the value of the corresponding environment variables in the file before running the commands above.
Service | Default port |
Postgresql | 5432 |
InfluxDB | 8086 |
Airflow | 8080 |
Grafana | 3000 |
MLFlow | 5000 |
Great expectations (via NGINX) | 8082 |
Flower | 5555 |
Redis | 6379 |
Before running Airflow, you must fetch data with:
$ make fetch_data
Once the services are up, you can interact with their UI :
- Airflow : http://localhost:8080
- Grafana : http://localhost:3000
- MLFlow : http://localhost:5000
- Great expectations : http://localhost:8082
- Flower : http://localhost:5555
When required, usernames and passwords are admin.
First export the python path to access the scripts :
$ export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)
You can now execute each Python script separately by running :
$ python3 <path-to-Python-script> [OPTIONS]
The required options are shown by running the --help
You can stop all services by running :
$ docker-compose down
If you add the -v
option, all services' persistent data will be erased.
This project is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC License.