mcMMO-Dashboard v1.25.2
New features
- Welcome Shareable links for comparison page! You can now call /comparison.php?player_1=...&player_2=...
- Created a new chart on the dashboard to replace the previous one, which was not suitable for large amount of players
- The new chart is capable of adapting to servers ranging from 10 players to servers with tens of thousands of players
- Also added some new translations for the chart
- New "URL_success", "URL_error" and "cp-c" parameters in parameters.js
- We drastically improved loading time for large servers. This feature includes:
- Better usage of getSkin (Bedrock skins are downloaded when needed)
- The "changeImageTable" function loads the skin for a player only when they become visible! (e.g: if the player is set on table page 2, the skin is not loaded until it becomes visible (by search, page increment or size of visible data per page)
- By default, bedrock skin is loaded
- We store skin in SessionStorage for comparison page to avoid redundant API calls
- Search-user now displays a datatable (the same as the index page) and you can easily search for the player you want!
- We removed animations from charts to avoid laggy loads
- We set default display to 50 players instead of "max"
Bug fixes
- Copy & Paste is too easy... We changed option value in index page select for chart
- We removed the filter button in the search-page (datatable does it automatically)
- Parameters.js includes 2 new parameters for the searchbar in search-user "sSearch" (if you want to add some text before input, default is empty) and "searchPlaceholder"
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