Simple console utility for displaying directory contents and theirs properties.
Shows directory contents:
- file path
- file extension
- file permissions
- file owner
- file access/modify date
- inode
- device id inode resides on
- links number to a file
Allows sorting from high to low and vice-versa:
- by depth
- by size
Allows result output in a single file with any table format supported by tabulate
Supports directory tree view output.
Works on OS like: Windows, Linux. (should work on MacOS, haven't tested yet)
Minimal required python version - 3.7
Use python3 [PATH-TO-DIR]
to start search in specified directory. Current path is using, if no given.
Use python3 -h
to see a detailed info about arguements.
To see docs, run
from /Docs
folder. It will open docs in your system default web browser.
You can also rebuild docs from source using
(Requires sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme recommonmark
to be installed)